Well, here we go again folks. As if it weren't enough that I knocked myself out in April participating in 30 Days of Photos, now dear Nicky and Mike over at We Work For Cheese have corralled a bunch of us suckers into a 30 Days of Writing exercise. Yeah, I know. I must have stupid written backwards on my forehead. I don't know how they figured it out. They would have had to look in my mirror to realize it. Anyhoo, the first day's theme is - surprise, surprise - cheese. And here are the internet imbeciles Nicky and Mike managed to sucker into to this little exercise: Well, first off there's me! Once you've read my post you can visit: Mike and Nicky , Cheryl , If I Were God , Katherine , Laughing Mom , Linda M , Malisa , MikeWJ , Sandra , Leeuna and Still Unfinished . Okay, who cut the cheese? Well growing up in my house it was usually my mother. She prepared and served the food and the knife ...
No, really.
"Crabby Road" - hahaha.
All funny, as usual.
You and your fellow bloggers (rolling eyes ;) keep mixing up reality and fantasy that sometimes it's hard to tell what's true and what's not.
So true or not true? Give me sources. :)
I especially liked: I vented. And Crabby Road.
Most excellent!
I liked this cartoon because the cartoonist put together two thinks I don't like: Osama Bin Laden and Glee!
That reminds me, Vegan Week ends in about five more hours.
I wonder how late KFC is open...
"Crabby Road" - hahaha.
All funny, as usual.