Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends today. At least we Canadians know how to space out the holidays. Our Turkey Day was in October which gives us far much more time for Christmas shopping!
Anyone having turducken this year?
You heard me.
Turd what?
No, no. It's turducken.
You take a de-boned chicken and you stuff it into a de-boned duck and then you stuff that into a de-boned turkey. And if that's not enough stuffing you can stuff the cavities left over with, er, stuffing.

Turkey, Duck, Chicken

Whew! That's some meal. Whoever thought that one up?
Well according to Wikipedia sometime in the 80s, some guy from Maurice, Louisiana took his three fowl friends to Herbert's Specialty Meats and asked Herb to do the dirty deed. An American tradition was born and Herb's been making turduckens ever since, up to 5,000 a week around Thanksgiving. So if you're a fan of turducken you can add Herb to your list of things to be thankful for.

Turduken got it's first major boost from, of all people, former TV football analyst John Madden who would introduce it to viewers and proceed to carve it with his bare hands. Later, he started awarding turduckens to members of the winning team in Fox TV's NFL Thanksgiving Bowl. I wonder if he served it to them too, using his unique carving method.
Madden no longer calls football games. But that won't stop me from celebrating (your) Thanksgiving. I'll be watching my own version of turducken...

Pigskin Hiken'
I'll pass on the turdurken and stick with a regular gobble, gobble!
And I'm thankful that YOU m'dear Canadian friend, never hold it against us Americans who seem to think the world revolves around them and their holidays.
Plus, I kinda like yer blog.
Just a little.
*wink, wink*
I will be watching football though - well, the Grey Cup anyway. I caught the last quarter of Winnipeg/Saskatchewan game - Winnipeg was robbed!
Some day I hope to find a calendar with no holidays marked. That way I can always say "Gee...I forgot it was ---> insert holiday here<----"
Some day I hope to find a calendar with no holidays marked. That way I can always say "Gee...I forgot it was ---> insert holiday here<----"