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Pause Ponder and Pun #60

Okay guys. I need your o-pin-ion on this.

Stud-y the photo carefully.

Leave your sting-ing observations in the comments as per usual and we'll face up to things Saturday.


Moooooog35 said…
How to get a pass on the new TSA "pat-down" searches.
Moooooog35 said…
The year Ronald McDonald got hooked on smack.
skeeter said…
Holy shit!! Aw no, that's just its face!
00dozo said…
"I always wanted to be a stud muffin.
00dozo said…
Dudly Do-Right's estranged cousin, Studly So-Wrong.
Stud Muffin.... good one, Double00!

"Spike couldn't figure out why he wasn't chosen for the 2011 Pin Up Calendar..."
Anonymous said…
"I thought this was how I could become a pin-ball wizard!"


Growing up, Albert always felt ignored by his Mother. All she ever did was sew. Twenty years later, Albert still seeking his Mother's approval visits her. Her nose is still in her sewing machine.

"Mom! Mom! Can you see me now? I'm a pincushion!"

Ack, I'd delete that last one, but it took too long to type. hee hee
Stephen, who held advanced degrees in Education and Mathematics, wondered why he was never able to get a job teaching Algebra at the local high school.
Anonymous said…
Meet Mr. November in this year's Goth Culture Clubs Charity Pin-Up Calendar! Partial proceeds go towards helping victims of poor decision- making pay for reconstructive surgery and laser tattoo removal. - G
Leeuna said…
Never call your kid a Pinhead. There could be consequences in his later years.
00dozo said…
Why, thank-you, Sis Boom-Bah - oops, I meant Ms. Boom Boom.

Ha! I totally missed the "pin-up" reference. Good one!
skeeter said…
After all that, he still didn't get the part of the "joker" in the new Batman movie! Turns out he just a joke
00dozo said…
"Hi! I'm Spike!"

The day you realize that you waited too long to join an online dating service.
renalfailure said…
Well, we certainly can't put him in the MRI machine...

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