Well, here we go again folks. As if it weren't enough that I knocked myself out in April participating in 30 Days of Photos, now dear Nicky and Mike over at We Work For Cheese have corralled a bunch of us suckers into a 30 Days of Writing exercise. Yeah, I know. I must have stupid written backwards on my forehead. I don't know how they figured it out. They would have had to look in my mirror to realize it. Anyhoo, the first day's theme is - surprise, surprise - cheese. And here are the internet imbeciles Nicky and Mike managed to sucker into to this little exercise: Well, first off there's me! Once you've read my post you can visit: Mike and Nicky , Cheryl , If I Were God , Katherine , Laughing Mom , Linda M , Malisa , MikeWJ , Sandra , Leeuna and Still Unfinished . Okay, who cut the cheese? Well growing up in my house it was usually my mother. She prepared and served the food and the knife ...
"Spike couldn't figure out why he wasn't chosen for the 2011 Pin Up Calendar..."
Growing up, Albert always felt ignored by his Mother. All she ever did was sew. Twenty years later, Albert still seeking his Mother's approval visits her. Her nose is still in her sewing machine.
"Mom! Mom! Can you see me now? I'm a pincushion!"
Ack, I'd delete that last one, but it took too long to type. hee hee
Ha! I totally missed the "pin-up" reference. Good one!
The day you realize that you waited too long to join an online dating service.