This guy goes to the head of the class for being such an idiot. You guys go to the head of the class for being so funny.
Behind the scenes where all the King's horses
and all the King's men try to fix that fat shit,
Humpty Dumpty.
Following this unfortunate incident, the game of 'Musical Chairs' has been
banned from all public schools.
The day Matt decided that lion taming was not a viable career choice.
After being caught by surprise, Bobby realizes his chair sniffing days are over.
Our winner this week is that comical character from Colorado, MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings...

Paramedic 1: "It'd be easier to cut his head off."
Paramedic 2: "Yup. I don't think he needs it, either."
Way to go Mike. That one had me falling off my chair *rolls eyes*. Anyway, you've joined that prestigious group of people we obviously let pretty much anyone join.

You now be hangin' with dufus, Mike. Congratulations.
And congratulations to all our commenters this week.
And, hey, click on the links of our winners this week. They're pretty funny people.
Thanks for another honourable mention, dufus, and congrats to my co-honorees!
Congrats to Mike and the honorable mentions (even Moooog35).