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Things I Do When I'm Not Blogging

So it's been a week now since I cut back on the blogging. Doing 14 posts a week across four blogs was getting to be a bit much. I was virtually eating and sleeping blogging.

My life has changed already. Yep. Here's some of the things I've been doing instead of blogging.

1. listening to more music

2. reading more books

3. visiting my brother, Whitey, in *spits* Toronto, or as Whitey likes to call it COTU (Centre Of The Universe)

4. shaving regularly

5. showering

6. dressing

7. eating

8. watching football without a computer in my lap

9. reading SPAM mail (boy, am I rich!)

10. sleeping

Not a bad start.


Jackie said…
Excellent changes! I too must get away from the computer and sleep at normal hours and eat healthier and shower more also , thanks .
Whitey said…
Showering? I wish you'd started that last week.
Anonymous said…
Ha! I'm sure the wifey-poo appreciates the showering.

I know I do!

It smells much fresher in here these days!

nonamedufus said…
Jackie: It's an addiction. I'm glad I held my own little intervention.
nonamedufus said…
Whitey: Me smell? I thought that was you.
nonamedufus said…
Quirks: Yep, and I'm changing my underwear and socks every day now, too.
Anonymous said…
I love that comic. So true!
And I thought we, out here in Vancouver, were the only ones who sarcastically referred to TO as the the COTU. - G
nonamedufus said…
Georgina: You guys from the Left Coast should talk! ;)

Oh, and that's the difference between my brother and the rest of us. As he lives there, he was being serious.
Linda Medrano said…
I am not sure I agree with your priorities. Bathing and dressing? Meh!
What? They still make books? Oh, yeah... there was that book that we both read. I was getting pretty addicted there for a while myself. Although I wasn't doing as many posts as you, I was easily spending 8 hours every Saturday reading blogs, commenting and writing my posts for the week. (Other days I only put in about 4-5 hours.) I think I'm striking a better balance these days. I've cut back a lot on the number of blogs I read religiously, but you remain one of my "must reads".
00dozo said…
So, you're still not getting any, eh??

nonamedufus said…
Linda: Well I don't want to scare any neighbours when I go out to get the mail.
nonamedufus said…
Boom Boom: Gee, I thought I was bad with the time I put into writing and reading blogs. ;) Aw, I appreciate being a must read.
nonamedufus said…
00dozo: hahahahahahaha Hey, some things have to be left to the imagination, eh.
Kelly said…
You are on the Road to, well, SOMETHING with your newly acquired free time.

Well done, you!
Ziva said…
Those are all very acceptable changes. (Reading xkcd is also very acceptable.) It's when you start making the bed, cutting your hair or making new friends in real life that you have to be careful. If any of those things happen, you should start blogging more again.
nonamedufus said…
Kelly: Yeah if I spend much more money on books and CDs I'll soon be upping my blogging intake. At least it's a free activity.
nonamedufus said…
Ziva: Shit, I make the bed every day. It kills a little time, eh. I'm a child of the 60s so I go quite a while between haircuts. It may take some time to make new friends. After all my past blogging activities I seem to lack certain social skills. So hopefully 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
K A B L O O E Y said…
You indulgent bastard.
Don said…
You mean you have to stop blogging to read? I do both!! But not much else.... Well, I work too during the day, but when I am at home, I'm either reading or on the blogs or Net.

But your life does sound better now!

injaynesworld said…
Hmmm... I like the way this not blogging thing is working out for you. I may have to give it a try. That showering thing sounds intriguing.
nonamedufus said…
KABLOOEY: What? Personal hygiene's kinda neat. Who knew.
nonamedufus said…
Don: The first week's been a good week. No pressure. Kinda restful.
nonamedufus said…
Jayne: Don't knock it until you try it.
Anji said…
So there is a life out there? You'll have more to blog about.
nonamedufus said…
Anji: Damn. It's such a vicious circle isn't it?

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