Well, folks, I read seven (count 'em) seven books in October. One I didn't finish but even at that I hit the magic number 50 I estimated for myself by the end of the year. The six books I successfully waded through were, firstly, What Happened, Hillary Clinton's book on her bid for the Presidency. I''m a bit of a political junkie so I get off on this stuff but still it kinda struck me as one long whine over losing.
Next up was the excellent Canyon of Dreams: The Magic and Music of Laurel Canyon. Laurel Canyon was the fabled area outside of Los Angeles where many musicians and artists lived. Known as a 60s enclave, the book takes a look at just who lived there over the last 80 years. A fascinating read.
Next up was Lightfoot, a biography of Canadian folk singer Gordon Lightfoot. He may have been responsible for some iconic folk songs but he was also quite the womanizer and boozer. Enough said.
Then I read Dan Brown's new tome Origin, the fifth in the Robert Langdon series. Not as good as some of his previous work but an interesting tale that weaves the subject matter of creation versus evolution. Just the subject matter for an atheist like me.
Then I read a decent mystery by Iris Johansen called the Ugly Duckling before closing out the month with the tenth Nero Wolfe novel (actually 2 novellas) called Not Quite Dead Enough.
I'll be reading at less of a break-neck pace the rest of the year having reached my anticipated 50 books this month.
What are you reading?