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30 Days of Photos III #4 Sour

Check out Ziva's Inferno for the rest of today's photos.


Paula Wooters said…
I'll take the cute little bottle on the left.
nonamedufus said…
The lemon oil? Yuck.
Ziva said…
Who has lemon oil at home?
nonamedufus said…
We do! I found it in the pantry.
Pat Kumicich said…
I do - use it to polish my wood furniture
Katherine said…
Reaaly pretty picture... the shadow is especially nice!
nonamedufus said…
Well, there you go! Ziva doesn't clean as you can tell by her picture today.
mike said…
I always buy grapefruits but forget to eat them.
nonamedufus said…
My wife loves grapefruit. Me, not so much.
Nicky said…
What does one do with lemon oil? Besides polish wood furniture?
nonamedufus said…
I think it's used in cooking.I'll have to ask my magnificent chef, Mrs. D.
nonamedufus said…
I pucker up just looking at it.
Cheryl said…
A two-fer. Nicely done, Dufus. I'm such a non-foodie I had to read the comments to figure out what kind of citrus fruit that was. I figured out the oil just fine (thank gawd for labels).
nonamedufus said…
It's actually a lemon. It just looks like a grapefruit.
Barb said…
very "on topic"! nice job!
Laughing Mom said…
I have lemon oil for furniture - it's great on old wood, but I've certainly never tasted it!
Cheryl said…
I thought it was a lemon but figured the others must know their fruit better than I do. That's the last time I rely on this group for information.
MikeWJ said…
We do, too! It's good for cooking. And polishing the piano.
MikeWJ said…
Okay, after looking at three photos of lemons (and lemon oil), that old Peter, Paul and Mary song popped into my head. Sing with me, NoName:

Lemon tree, very pretty
And the flower, oh so sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon
Is impossible to eat

(swelling orchestral arrangement)
Ziva said…
Oh fuck off, Mike, as if you'd ever polish anything other than.. well, you know.
MikeWJ said…
Yeah, okay, you might be right. But not with lemon oil. It stings like hell, and you'd be VERY surprised to learn how much 11 solid inches (28 solid centimeters) of pain can ruin your day.
Ziva said…
11 inches? Dream on.
Margaret said…
You and I are BOTH lemons today, Dufus!
MikeWJ said…
Oops! I had the ruler backwards.

Sorry. I hope I didn't get anybody's hopes up. So to speak.

Carry on.
Lauren said…
You definitely made lemonade out of that shot.
nonamedufus said…
The others know nothing about fruit apparently.
nonamedufus said…
Thanks, Barb.
nonamedufus said…
I think I have. I think Mrs D sneaks it into dishes she makes.
nonamedufus said…
You're not reminded of Led Zeppelin's The Lemon Song?
nonamedufus said…
I guess we're a couple of sour pusses.
nonamedufus said…
Ha, ha. When life gives you lemons...
Monique Renae said…
I use lemon chunks to keep my microwave and garbage disposal smelling lovely... I wonder if lemon oil would do the same trick.
nonamedufus said…
Garbage disposal I get but microwave. How do you do that?
Indigo Roth said…
Hey Dufus! I like this one. But is that a lemon? Looks more like a plum? I'm just asking. Indigo
Monique Renae said…
Take a few chunks and put it in a bowl with a little bit of water. It becomes beautifully lemon scented steam which makes the microwave nice and fresh!
nonamedufus said…
It is an odd looking lemon, isn't it.
nonamedufus said…
Cool.You learn something every day.
Paula Wooters said…
Lemon oil? I thought it was one of those little liquor bottles they give you on airlines. (I think I need new glasses.)
nonamedufus said…
Piano, right. Hear that, Ziva?
nonamedufus said…
I think you need some lotion.
nonamedufus said…
I think you need a lot of lotion.
nonamedufus said…
But 11 backwards is 11.
Ziva said…
Oh, I hear it, dufus. You know what I also hear? The sound my whip makes when it connects with your backside.
nonamedufus said…
Okay, just checking.
Jamie Baker said…
Yep, straight up sour.
ladyV said…
sour to the 2nd power.
Coco said…
It's a straight sour photo and pretty one!
nonamedufus said…
Yep, you bet.
nonamedufus said…
Well, thank you.
Junebug said…
I love the smell of lemon but not the taste of lemon.
nonamedufus said…
I'm with you, Junebug.

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