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Dona Nobis Pacem

Well, today's Blog Blast For Peace Day; a day when bloggers around the world all blog about one thing: P-E-A-C-E. It's a serious subject. But seeing how I manage a humour blog I have a bit of a different take on the subject. This is the post I published last year but I like it so much I thought I'd run it again. Enjoy. And peace.

In the giant land of Gastronomia, government leaders and their bureaucrats were all in a tizzy. The plump Prime Minister of Gastronomia was about to host a conference of the world's key leaders to discuss the fragile state of peace in the world and there wasn't a moment to lose to ensure, down to the minutest detail, all plans could be accomplished in time for the upcoming meeting of the Gastronomic 8.

The finest of hotel suites would have to be booked, the fanciest limousines would have to be leased, a conference centre would need to be found and a top-notch security detail would have to be employed.

But those things paled in comparison to the responsibility handed to Chance Essare, the Prime Minister's chef. Even though he wore a silly grin, Chance had been delegated as the point man responsible for the conference's menu. Yes, that's right. In the land of fine food, Chance would have to whip up the perfect meal. Chance knew the culinary challenge that lay before him, and the special kitchen implements required to do so, but he was a professional and it was a whisk he was willing to take.

Chance alone would be responsible for keeping the Gastronomic 8 satiated and satisfied. The slightest mistake could result in gastric acid or indigestion at the conference table manifested by a possible hiccup in the proceedings. Heaven help us all if Chance's repast jeopardized world peace and resulted in resounding burps flying across the table like the reports of AK-47s. Worse yet, if Chance's vital vittles were more difficult to digest than the oratory of the peace discussions, odours of war might arise far worse than any pungent mustard gas from World War I.

But what to prepare, what to prepare? Chance knew he had to come up with a culinary delight that appeased all members. A Cordon Bleu dish might tick off the Italians. Similarly, a pasta delight might blow-off the Brits, although they weren't known for their sense of taste, let alone their sense of style. But that's a story for another day. For days Chance stewed (pun intended) over his dilemma.

After two weeks, his sous-chef, Sue (that's right, a real Sue chef) and other sundry cook-like assistants intervened and arrived at a dish sure to preserve peace around the table and thus ensure peace around the world. Chance was amazed at it's simplicity and knew Sue and her culinary colleagues had saved the day with their immortal words:

"All we are saying, is give pizza, Chance."


There are many other takes on "peace" to be found today @ Blog Blast For Peace. Just scroll down and click the links for "peace" from around the world.


00dozo said…
*taking my own whisk in hand*

I dub thee...Sir Punsalot.

*taps dufus on both shoulders*

00dozo said…
On a more serious note, I will check out the other posts for this noble cause.
nonamedufus said…
00dozo: Oh, my. I'm truly honoured. Thank you.
nonamedufus said…
00dozo: There are lots of other posts. Oh, and I had the link wrong - it linked to last year's posts. It's fixed now.
*insert groan here.

I was inspired by the idea of this and other posts. Hope to get mine up today.
Tarheel Rambler said…
Thanks for injecting a little lightness into what could be a depressing subject. Great post!

I always find it a little ironic that it's necessary to arrange for security at a peace conference. I'm just saying.

nonamedufus said…
Boom Boom: Go Cat Lady go! Peace.
nonamedufus said…
Lee: When it came time to write this year's post I went back to see what I'd done last year. I started laughing to myself and thought "How can I top that?" So I had to run it again. Glad you enjoyed it.
Jaffer said…
Haha !

Indeed - Pizza should be considered universal - With local variations from the Americas to Middle East to South Asia and beyond - It is loved by all in contrast to the BigMac.
nonamedufus said…
Jaffer: But you'd want to be careful you didn't pile them too high. I'd hate to think what might happen with a leaning tower of pizza.
Jaffer said…
The Engineers would stabilize it with Garlic Fingers
nonamedufus said…
Jaffer: Touché!
Pepperoni and olives please - Definitely give pizza Chance.
ipanema said…
very creative...the only post that made me laugh. :)

Anonymous said…
Very well done, Sir Nomie! Personally, I think "resounding burps" are under appreciated. Just think of how much more comfortable we would all be if we could burp together.

It's a unifying force: burps.

nonamedufus said…
Jamie: Pepperoni and olives. Ah, peace among pizza lovers!
nonamedufus said…
ipanema: Well, we can all use a good laugh even though peace is a serious subject. But if we all laughed a little more maybe it might be a little easier to achieve.
nonamedufus said…
Quirks: Peace through burps. I love it. Although burping isn't all that peaceful. But it'd be for a good cause.
Anndi said…
Heh! Most excellent.


☮ & ♥
nonamedufus said…
Anndi: Thanks. Glad you appreciated it. Now If I've got this right, नमस्ते and peace.
I should've known it would all come down to a pun. What's sad is that I couldn't predict which one. I Am Fail. :-)
Linda Medrano said…
Were there anchovies? I love anchovies!
nonamedufus said…
MikeWJ: Considering I used the same "piece" last year I'm surprised you didn't get where this was headed.
nonamedufus said…
Linda: C'mon, we settled on pizza. Let's not argue over ingredients. We've got to preserve the peace.
Kate said…
Found you from the Dona Nobis Pacem. I love your site. I’m going to poke around a little bit, but don’t worry I’ll put everything back where I found it!!
nonamedufus said…
Kate: If I don't hear back from you by tomorrow should I send out a search party?
Annelisa said…
*grin* I needed that! I've been Peaceglobe hunting for the last couple of days, and my head is whirling...but for a moment it stopped and smiled, so thank you!

Peace to you and yours, Dufus!
nonamedufus said…
Annelisa: Well, I'm glad you liked my piece on peace.
Travis Cody said…
I'll take my Peace with a healthy dose of humor!

Peace to you and yours.
nonamedufus said…
Travis: Glad you enjoyed it. Right back at ya.
Anonymous said…
Peace can be light-hearted. Thanks for your post! Peace to you. And pizza for me!
nonamedufus said…
goodnightgram: Ha ha, you're absolutely right. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks.
Mimi Lenox said…
Ha ha ha!! I love it. You are a breath of fresh air and just what we all needed that day. Thanks for reposting this hysterical story. Peace to you and yours,

#1994 in the Official Peace Globe Gallery at
Mimi Lenox said…
Your beautiful peace globe is documented at in the Official Gallery as #1804 and in the FB albums.

Thank you for pre-planning your peace globe post while away on vacation. That was awesome!

Peace to you and yours,
Travis Cody said…
I'll take my Peace with a healthy dose of humor!

Peace to you and yours.
ipanema said…
very creative...the only post that made me laugh. :)

Tarheel Rambler said…
Thanks for injecting a little lightness into what could be a depressing subject. Great post!

I always find it a little ironic that it's necessary to arrange for security at a peace conference. I'm just saying.


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