It was difficult to pin down a winner this week. Our entries were all so thought-provoking and piercing. Oh, and funny too. Let's get to it...
The year Ronald McDonald got hooked on smack
Spike couldn't figure out why he wasn't chosen for the 2011 Pin Up Calendar
Meet Mr. November in this year's Goth Culture Club's Charity Pin-Up Calendar!
Partial proceeds go towards helping victims of poor decision-making pay for
reconstructive surgery and laser tattoo removal.
And our winner, our own Bahama Mama, 00dozo @ When I Reach with...

Dudley Do-Right's estranged cousin, Studly So-Wrong
Way to go 00dozo. You see it pays to be o-pin-ionated! You may have dreaded coming up with a caption but once you locked in on one look what happened. Now you be hangin' with the dufus. W00t, W00t - yahoo!

See everybody back here next week for another round of Pause Ponder and Pun. Hey, and don't forget to click on the links of these guys for a good read. Tell 'em dufus sent ya.
Congrats to the honourable mentions!
Hangin' with the Duufsters is mighty fun!
Duufsters! Duufsters! What a great club! Only the finest people hang out there.