So I was particularly grateful as I perused the Drudge Report yesterday and I came across two articles, side-by-each that cried out to be written about.
Because to my way of thinking the question posed by the first was answered by the second. Talk about serendipity. Well, I wasn't actually. But now that you mention it.
The first article told of an American government-funded research project to study...wait for it... cow burps.
You can see how this caught my interest.
You see, to my mind at least, cows get a bad rap. Their farts always get blamed for hiking up the atmosphere's greenhouse gases - literally. But you see, according to a bunch of New Hampshire scientists cows emit most of their methane through their belching. Huh. Imagine that. You don't want to light a match around our cow compadres.

Now the second article I came across helped explain, to my mind at least, the worst that might happen if bovine burps are left unchecked.
It seems NASA has discovered balls of fire in the skies over eastern Canada and several U.S. states.
New Hampshire maybe?
Apparently there are several theories about what the cause of those fireballs. NASA says it may have been a meteor, but I know differently. They were due to cow burps.
And now you know too!
You're thanks is not necessary. It's just what I do.
Did you find this to be a moo-ving story or udderly ridiculous?
It was about bovine attacks! And now I read this?
Udderly spooky.
(Thanks for providing the pun set up.)
I'd like to know if you've ever seen a report about the damage done by human farts and burps.
Money on cow burps. We waste so much here in the US.... sigh....