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Pause Ponder and Pun #58

I don't know how this happened.

I'm sure though you've got some ideas.

Leave 'em in the comments and then pull up a chair Saturday for the unveiling of our winner.


Moooooog35 said…
Early experiments to cross-breed humans and chairs went horribly, horribly wrong.
Moooooog35 said…
Behind the scenes where all the King's horses and all the King's men try to fix that fat shit, Humpty Dumpty.
Moooooog35 said…
John Conner's team examines Skynet's first attempt at a Terminator.
skeeter said…
C what had happened was: Peggy Sue ( you know, the easy girl) behind me had a short dress on. So I acted like I dropped something and went down to get it. The view!!! Mmmmm, I kept moving in for a closer look not paying attention to " this head" getting stuck in something!! And that, Mr. Principal, is how it happened!
00dozo said…
Lost in translation: Exchange student Igor sticks his head up the ass end of his seat.
Anonymous said…
This is the story of a boy who inhaled twenty boxes of twinkies whilst sitting and reading The Little Engine That Could which inspired him only to eat more twinkies then...he found himself all tangled up! Woops!
Leeuna said…
Following this unfortunate incident, the game of 'Musical Chairs' has been banned from all public schools.
00dozo said…
After being caught by surprise, Bobby realizes his chair sniffing days are over.
00dozo said…
Due to budget cuts, the WWE's Junior Training Programme couldn't afford folding chairs.
TeaganB said…
This happened to my sister when she was 6. She wiggled through the hole in the chair but got stuck and couldn't get out again. Like this kid, they had to saw her out of the chair.
Chris said…
Glenn had to stay after school that day, as the chair around his neck was too wide to fit through the door of the short yellow bus.
Paramedic 1: "It'd be easier to cut his head off."

Paramedic 2: "Yup. I don't think he needs it, either."
Anonymous said…
"I never saw that one coming," said the guy with the toolbox. - G
The day Matt decided that lion taming was not a viable career choice.

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