But times change. There's less graffiti on the bathroom wall these days but there's more outside the bathroom for a guy to worry about. Take for instance the latest dust up around the approach being taken by TSA agents (Transportation Security Administration) in the States. Or maybe I should say the latest feel up.
I guess the terrorists have won. TSA agents are stepping up their efforts to protect the flying public. They now use x-ray machines that show so much you might as well strip down to pass through security checkpoints. Hardly surprising a guy might think he's trying out for a centre spread in Playgirl Magazine.

"Is it me or was that security check more thorough than usual?"
But that's not the worst of it. If you refuse the x-ray or if the agent determines it wasn't revealing enough, then you're going to be subjected to a pat down. From all accounts the pat down is fairly invasive. One guy was quoted widely as saying "If you touch my junk, I'm gonna sue you."
Then, of course, there may be flight delays because of this new procedure. Not because it slows things down in and of itself. Rather, some guys might enjoy it so much they may rush to the back of the line to subject themselves to being groped all over again. Hey, for some guys it may be the most romance they've experienced in months.

This man aroused...suspicion.
But there may be a downside to the TSA arousing such a reaction among the traveling public. I can see washroom attendants spending more time cleaning the graffiti in the airport facilities in the future. Scrubbing madly to remove such messages as "For a good time, call TSA agent #74 @ LAX".
I worry a lot about this airport scanning bidness.
I get scanned all the time for medical procedures and have endured that embarrassment, but I have relied upon HIPPA practices, which is the medical community "solemn promise" that they can't talk about patients (and hopefully, what they see).
I'm thinking there won't be any HIPPA practices at the airports, but HIPPO. As in seeing ginormous hips being scanned.
That's why I don't fly. Ha!
Best photo I've seen in a post in a while, the one of the naked passengers. The most disturbing thing about that: all the...ahem...older gentlemen in the photo and how the one guy is purposefully maintaining eye contact with the other guy while he's standing up...um...projecting himself. Well, I imagine anyway...ew, shudder, no, I don't imagine.
One-- are you obligated to board with a towel? I am not judging someone who wants to be a nudist, but I don't necessarily want to share a seat with someone else's buttcrack sweat and possibly devil- may-care hygiene.
Two-- do they serve coffee?
I know flight attendants are seasoned drink-delivery professionals, but I would definitely want the window seat so I don't have TWO steaming hot cups of joe passed across my unprotected naughtybits.
The thing about that photo I couldn't figure out was apart from those two guys and the lady in the aisle, why is everyone else looking in their laps?
There's gotta be a better way.
One-- are you obligated to board with a towel? I am not judging someone who wants to be a nudist, but I don't necessarily want to share a seat with someone else's buttcrack sweat and possibly devil- may-care hygiene.
Two-- do they serve coffee?
I know flight attendants are seasoned drink-delivery professionals, but I would definitely want the window seat so I don't have TWO steaming hot cups of joe passed across my unprotected naughtybits.