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Which One's The Clown?

Prime Minister Stephen Harper (he's the one on the left) takes time out of his busy schedule this week to meet with Quebec's Bonhomme, the mascot of Quebec City's annual Winter Carnival.

The PM appears willing to do almost anything to improve his electoral chances in Quebec.

The length to which some politicians will go.

Rumour has it next week's photo op will be with Tin Tin, Asterix and Obelix.


Moooooog35 said…
I actually used to go skiing when I was a teenager at Mt. Ste. Anne...and then we would go to the Winter Carnival and get shitfaced.

Seeing Bonhomme when you're drunk for the first time?

That shit will make you sober for a looong while.
Anonymous said…
Bonhomme always freaked me out as a kid. I think he was also ripped off in "Ghostbusters". - G
nonamedufus said…
Moooooog: Let me get this straight. You got drunk BEFORE you saw Bonhomme, not after?
nonamedufus said…
Georgina: Stay Puft is Bonhomme's distant American cousin, I believe.
00dozo said…
Sidestepping, as usual, Harper narrowly misses Bonhomme's kick to the crotch.

Oh, what? This isn't PPP??

nonamedufus said…
00dozo: I know. Could well have been. Good caption!
Anonymous said…
Ha! I love how you pointed out which one was Harper and I, too, thought of Ghost Busters!

hee hee hee
nonamedufus said…
Quirks: Well, I thought people might be confused.
Kelly said…
Bonhomme totally creeps me out. It's the striped sash along with the serial killer clown face.
nonamedufus said…
Kelly: The sash is actually a Metis sash, one of our country's Aboriginal people. Nevertheless he's still pretty creepy.
Shawn Ohara said…
I know you were making a point but I still felt it necessary to bring up the following. Tintin is from Belgium and Asterix and Obelix are French. I would instead suggest Caillou and Nic et Pic.
nonamedufus said…
Ohara: What do I know. I'm a tete carree who grew up in Ontario. But my Francophone wife says you're absolutely right. Well done.
Ohara said…
I'm a tete carree who grew up in Montreal. I prefer Tintin to Caillou.
nonamedufus said…
Ohara: A-ha, the truth comes out!

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