Okay, sorry, that was a terrible pun in the title. But, hey, it's what you've come to expect from me. And I'd hate to let you down.
I wouldn't want to have been this guy. Look at the panic on his face. Although I guess, judging from your entires this week, its not his face that he should be worried about.
Early versions of Optimus Prime really kind of sucked
Bike sex: Illegal everywhere except Germany
Fred Knievel's daredevil career was never quite as successful
as his big brother, Evel's.
All good captions, my friends. But it was KABLOOEY that was just a little more out there this week with...

Harry Dean Stanton, two weeks after that tenth DWI bust cost him his license.
Okay, KABLOOEY. Way to go my friend. I'm happy to provide you with your big "brake"
(heh, heh). This week you be hangin' with dufus. Hurrah, hurrah. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Thanks to everyone for playing. And now that I've gotten over that little episode last week, we'll see you next week for our next PPP, same time, same blog.
Congrats to Kablooey! And congrats to the honourables, as well.
I really had nothing this week ... well, I did, but it invovled s... snot - yeah, that it, snot!
Thank goodness I was wrong.
And a big congradumalations to our dear Kabloosters!