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Pause, Ponder and Pun

Oh man, I'm not gonna touch this one.

I'll just leave it to my loyal followers to see if they can wrestle with their imaginations and come up with a heavy-duty caption.

Leave me a comment and we'll see you Saturday with a winner, I assumo. *groans*


Moooooog35 said…
Looking back, Jimmy was thankful to be first in the gang bang line.
Moooooog35 said…
The line at a Japanese deli-counter.
Me-Me King said…
Evolution of the Gut.
Anonymous said…
Deleted scenes from American Idol tryouts.
Anonymous said…
Ha! MeMe beat me to it, I was thinking evolution/Darwin too!

Howz about...

No bread lines here Buddy, this is the thong line.

word veri: miall
Anonymous said…
Awaiting their diplomas, they all graduated Sumo Cum Laude.
Dot-Com said…
Ha! Is it fashion week?!
John J Savo said…
Nancy Pelosi's "public option."
Donnie said…
The Olympic swim team...See what Jenny Craig can do for you!
Anonymous said…
Uhmmmmm, which way to the Sumo convention?
Chris said…
Not too long afterward, a fight broke out at the Japanese Village People auditions, amidst screams of "I GET TO BE THE SUMO WRESTLER!"
David said…
Business has not been particularly brisk for Oprah's new modeling agency.
Haley said…
And with the swimsuit competition finished - the judges will now tally the scores and announce the next - Mr. Newark, NJ 2009!
Anonymous said…
Sure, it may look cruel, but it's the only way to break a new fluffer in.
Skip Simpson said…
Hey! Check out the new guy in the red thong!
Anonymous said…
This may be a Sumo wrestling event, but the guy in the back of the line is wearing an adult diaper.
Man, I'm a day late and a dollar short with this one... too many great captions already! Moooooog, Me-Me, Knucklehead, Sumo Cum Laude, you all beat me to the proverbial punch. (But I'll keep my thinking cap on!)
ba_hutch said…
To show the world there is no shame in adult incontinence, Huggies recently hosted a huge "Don't Hold Back" conference where they rolled out their new line of sumo-depends. Rumor has it that suspender-depends are not far off...
Sumo day my prince will weigh in, Madame Butterfly thought with a sigh.
Henry Stone said…
"Sumo Enchanted Evening...You will meet a stranger..."

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