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Pause Ponder and Pun #72

It's not everyone that can carry off wearing a small bathroom on their head.

I think this fashion faux pas tanks.

How about you?

We'll flush out a winner Saturday.


Ms. Paladin's motto:

Have Bathroom - Will Travel.
Moooooog35 said…
Suddenly, 'golden showers' don't seem like such a bad idea.
LOTGK said…
The airline said my carry on bag had to fit in the overhead bin. They said nothing about my hat.
Haley said…
Things sure are getting strange at Barbiecon 2011
meleah rebeccah said…
OH MY GOSH! I have NO WORDS for that photo! Ahahahahhahaha
Raymond said…
I heard this year's Easter Parade has been moved to Flushing Meadows
Linda Medrano said…
Who forgot the bubble bath?
Anonymous said…
Lady Gaga's Gag Bag Hat!
00dozo said…
Bed, bath and beyond reason.
00dozo said…
Really bad television crossovers: America's Next Top Model contestants host an episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.
Nicky said…
I've heard of potty mouth, but that's ridiculous! (That wasn't a submission, btw)
battlee43 said…
Kate Middleton tries her hand at bathroom humor.
skeeter said…
Kentucky Derby FAIL: sure it a chance to show off your fashion and money, but having to pay for 4 extra seats behind you for your hat is a little overboard!
Haley said…
Linda thought she would up the ante at the Miss Kohler 2011 competition.

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