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Pause Ponder and Pun #70

Here's a happy threesome.

I think they're trying to tell us something.

Any idea what?

I'll check back Saturday and see what you think.

And, Donnie, you should be able to come up with something for this one.


Unknown said…
Mouth breathers should never play with a hornets nest........and look so happy about it.
Prospective goddesses vie for a job at Sober Valley Lodge.
Cruella Collett said…
5 seconds later the Kardashians finally came up with a way of becoming famous.

(They're NOT the actual Kardashians, are they? They just look a lot alike, right?)
skeeter said…
Its a remake of an old favorite. " hairy, ho, and sluty"!
Anonymous said…
Wanting to be thought of as trend setters...the triplets decided to forgo the duck face and come up with something entirely new.
Anonymous said…
Ah! Cruella beat me to the punchline!

"The young Kardashians practicing for their future fame."
00dozo said…
This is what happens when you lick too many poles in the winter.
00dozo said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen said…
Boom Boom wins! I can't compete with that at all. Awesome and gnarly!
Donnie said…
Manners and maturity. It's what being a teen is all about.
00dozo said…
From left to right: The Silver, Bronze and Gold medalists for the annual North Pole Licking Contest.
Linda Medrano said…
Oh God! These girls are still in pain from that tongue piercing business last month.
meleah rebeccah said…
HumorSmith said…
"Well ladies, what do you think of the new Tiger Blood Adonis DNA Smoothie at Jamba Juice?"
Anonymous said…
We really thought we were hungry enough to eat the ass out of a rag doll... guess not.
laughingmom said…
Two and a Half Men : Charades style.
K A B L O O E Y said…
I was also gonna go Kardashians, but I can't beat HumorSmith, so I'm gonna concede.
Bluezy said…
Length of tongue genome has been isolated. All three girls have different fathers.
Quirkyloon said…
Ah! Cruella beat me to the punchline!

"The young Kardashians practicing for their future fame."

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