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Sunday Funnies - Charlie Sheen Edition


Anonymous said…
I'd say that sums it up pretty well...
nonamedufus said…
Jamie: I think they about cover it.
Anonymous said…
I hate to say it but I agree with the dictator here: Charlie is one weird dude.
nonamedufus said…
U.P.: You know I usually cover several subjects each Sunday. But this week there were so many Sheen cartoons my feature called out for a special edition. Must be the first time in a long time Sunday's been given over to a Sheen. (As a kid I recall seeing Bishop Fulton J. Sheen on TV Sunday mornings in the late 50s early 60s. Charlie's no Bishop!)
Anonymous said…
I'm just sorry that I forgot to watch the 20/20 or Dateline or whatever mag show that did his interview.

I heard it was priceless.

I rue our tivo/dvr-less life.

A Quirky Goddess
00dozo said…
Ha! All funny! I wonder if he will be able to top this latest fiasco.
nonamedufus said…
Quirks: My jaw's still sore from that special 20/20 show. It spent an hour hitting the floor.
nonamedufus said…
00dozo: He's got nowhere to go but down. So I'd say probably, yeah.
Donnie said…
Never thought I would see Charlie and Mohamar starring in their own cartoons-together!! What a wonderful world...
injaynesworld said…
I love the Obama one. Except hookers and porn are nothing new in Washington now, are they. ;)
Very clever collection!! Isn't he delicious blog fodder material?
nonamedufus said…
Donnie" I don't think we'll ever see anything a reconciliation between Mel Gibson and the Pope.
nonamedufus said…
Jayne: Huh? Hookers and porn? In Washington? I'm crushed.
nonamedufus said…
Heidi Heidi: Sure makes it easier. This stuff writes itself. Well not THIS stuff because it's cartoons. But you know.
HumorSmith said…
Perfect! 'Cause, you know....Charlie is actually a cartoon and he's been looking a bit drawn lately.
nonamedufus said…
H.S.: Good one. Your saying he's a caricature of his former self?
Ferd said…
Yesterday I said I'm tired of all this Charlie Sheen bullshit.
Today, I'm blog surfing for more.
I'm hooked!

Loved the funnies!
K A B L O O E Y said…
My favorite was the breaking news one, because I've been scoring easy point here at home every time my partner's beloved Fox news does the hard-hitting journalism bit and covers the Sheen debacle. But I got mine today when the NY Times was full of editorials and features on him. They even reported that "pulled a Charlie Sheen" and "Sheened" are becoming part of everyday usage now. Sheesh. Good batch o' comics.
nonamedufus said…
Ferd: Oh it's hard to look away isn't it?
nonamedufus said…
KABLOOEY: It's funny to hear "hard-hitting journalism" and "Charlie Sheen" in the same sentence. Or "hard hitting journalism" and "Fox" for that matter.
meleah rebeccah said…
Ahahhahah! AHHAHHAHAH!

I am cracking UP over these! I simply cannot get enough Charlie Sheen.
nonamedufus said…
meleah rebeccah: You definitely need help.
Ferd said…
Yesterday I said I'm tired of all this Charlie Sheen bullshit.
Today, I'm blog surfing for more.
I'm hooked!

Loved the funnies!
meleah rebeccah said…
Ahahhahah! AHHAHHAHAH!

I am cracking UP over these! I simply cannot get enough Charlie Sheen.
jah said…
charlie sheen is a legend!

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