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Pause Ponder and Pun #71

Do your thing, folks.

We'll see who cleans up Saturday.


Moooooog35 said…
Jersey Shore: The Early Years
Moooooog35 said…
There's no crying in baby boxing!
laughingmom said…
Baby Boxing - the predecessor to Midget Wrestling.
meleah rebeccah said…
Sibling Rivalry: Keep your hands off my animal crackers, bitch! #winning
Anonymous said…
Charlie and Emilio show off their winning ways.

skeeter said…
" fly like a butterfly and stink like Huggies! "
Diaper commercial cut from the super bowl
00dozo said…
After enticing Curly to punch himself bare fisted in the eye, Moe has an epiphany for a future vaudeville routine.
Chris said…
After an unsuccessful attempt at boxing early in his life, the young Babe Ruth turned his energies to another sport.
Chris said…
Llllllllet's get ready to . . . WAAAAAAAAAH!!!!
Chris said…
Shortly after the match, Merwin "The Pawtucket Pooper" McFlynn was disqualified when his mother tested positive for HGBM (Human Growth Breast Milk).
Chris said…
Losing fighter Herman "Baby Fat" Feldman got over his disappointment quickly when Dolly Parton offered to "nurse him back to health."
Phillipia said…
Awww, keep your diapers on for cryin' out loud - it's just eye...he has two of them...
Ferd said…
Get up, you big cry baby!
Anonymous said…
Child Abuse, 1940's Style
Anonymous said…
The Tyke gets TKO'd!
Anonymous said…
"Run Home And Cry To Your Momma!"
Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield: The Early Years.
Producers rejected the early script for "The Fighter" on the grounds that audiences couldn't relate to a story about two toddlers pursuing the same dream.
Anonymous said…
Who's your daddy, NOW?!?!
Anonymous said…
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY touches my sippy cup!!
Quirkyloon said…
Charlie and Emilio show off their winning ways.

Boom Boom Larew said…
Whitey vs. Killer?

Whitey! Winning!

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