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Sunday Funnies


The Japanese cartoons sum up the week well... sadly.
nonamedufus said…
Boom Boom: Yeah, they don't have to be funny to make their point.
00dozo said…
I only wish it were another Charlie Sheen meltdown.
nonamedufus said…
00dozzo: So I read where he has better popularity numbers than Sarah Palin. What's next, the Rock Star From Mars Party?
Anonymous said…
Can you work on finding some funny cartoons next time? ;)

Now like Boom Boom, I'm sad. :(
nonamedufus said…
U.P.: I'll see what I can do.
Anonymous said…
Charlie has better pop numbers?

Let's see. I think it should be the WWM Party. Whiny Winning Meltdowns.

Or Two & A Half Winnings... (and all bases are loaded?).

hee hee

So sad for Japan, but the pics captured the sadness and harshness of their (and our) reality. *sigh*

Let me go back to thinking about Charlie Sheen. Who knew HE could be such a pick me up?

nonamedufus said…
Quirks: You know the situation in Japan is very, very sad. But what's sadder is that it took a tragedy such as this to get our minds off of Charlie.

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