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Pause Ponder and Pun #69



Leave your pun in the comments.

Back Saturday with our results.


Moooooog35 said…
Where that wagon full of Oprah's fat finally ended up.
Moooooog35 said…
Jack was disheartened when he realized that, after climbing the beanstalk, the Giant's treasure was really just his collection of used bubble gum.
Anonymous said…
Samples scraped from underneath the melamine tables at MickyD's. - G
laughingmom said…
If I get enough Silly Putty, I can make me a prom date, he said quite craftily.
Anonymous said…
You put the play in the doh then you mix it all together!

BTW, I'm diggin' the new clean look around here. You're inspiring me.
ba_hutch said…
Never bring a sumo wrestler to a sword fight!
Canadian Blend said…
Klee Irwin wants to to see what Dual Action Cleanse can do for you.
Donnie said…
Huh?? How's that for a cop out? I'm stumped on this one, but I'm waiting to read the winner's comment. Should be damned interesting.
HumorSmith said…
Next week, Grissom makes a gruesome discovery in the freezer on CSI: Fat Farm.
Unfortunately, the directions for Stephen's Super-Inflate-a-Date were not included.
Whitey said…
Gordie's career as a corporate hatchet man turned out to be one day of leaning the fat.
00dozo said…
The visual representation of a brain fart.

(yeah, like Donnie, I got nuthin' either.)
renalfailure said…
Stage one of Operation Create a Wife Out of Spam completed! Now on to stage two!
Linda Medrano said…
Seriously, what is that stuff? I have no idea! I've considered a lot of things to say, but they were stupid so I decided just to see what all these other people said. And it's all good, but I still don't know WTF that photo is of!

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