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The Bloggerhood Of The Traveling Book Revisited

Okay, so listen up. Three weeks ago I told you how I came by the book The Girl Who Played With Fire. Well, actually, if you clicked on the link you'll see I sang it to you. Wait, wait, wait, I'm not gonna sing again.

I'm quite proud of myself. I had really slipped in my reading and there are books piling up around here. They make for expensive doorstoppers. But since I spoke on this subject with you last, I've read three books. I was reading The Given Day by Dennis Lehane, author of Mystic River and Shutter Island. It was tough slogging, but an excellent read. But when Cat Lady - oh to hell with formalities - Boom Boom Larew chose me as the next blogger of the Bloggerhood of the Traveling Book, not only did I have to zip through Lehane but I had to buy the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, the first in this trilogy, in order prepare myself for book II.

Well, three weeks later I'm happy to say I've read all three books and am now anxious to read the third in the Stieg Larsson series The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest.

That being said, I'm ready to pass on The Girl Who Played With Fire to an interested blogger. This is a great book. You just won't want to put it down. Just answer this skill testing question:

What "series" is this trilogy often referred to as?

The first commenter with the right answer wins and will join Unfinished Rambler/Person, Quirkyloon,  Boom Boom and me as a card-carrying member of the Bloggerhood Of The Traveling Book.

I'll announce our winner tomorrow and, once they've e-mailed me their mailing address, will send it to them - at my expense! Aren't I a swell guy? Well, that's just how I roll.

Now, does anyone out there want to send me The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest?


Anonymous said…
I have to say I'm impressed with what the three of you have done. I'm thinking (out loud here and was going to e-mail you), but just decided to ask here: Maybe the three of us could post a review of the book? Or a discussion amongst the three of us? We can work out details via e-mail or contact me on Facebook, or Tribal Blogs or one of the myriad places we connect.
nonamedufus said…
Hey, that's a great idea! I loved the book. I'm glad though that I waited until after I read the first book. I'm anxious now to read the third and concluding story. Great idea, UP. I'm in.
Anonymous said…
I'll contact you, Quirky and Cat Lady via e-mail over the next few days...and if the next person to receive the book wants to be included, we can wait for them...or have them included at a later date, if they'd like.
Anonymous said…
Huh? I read this book? Are you sure? Is this a dream?

I've been having a lot of weird dreams lately.

Where's the DDP around here. I need one. Badly.
nonamedufus said…
Quirks. Yeah, I was over to your place this morning. You have indeed been having some weird dreams.
00dozo said…
I'd love to joing the club, but it might be too pricey to send to me, that and I haven't read the first one.

But, don't forget to sign the book before you pass it along, dufus!
nonamedufus said…
00dozo: No problem. Just answer the skill-testing question and you too can be a member of this fabulous group of blogger/readers.
00dozo said…
Okay. Is the answer, "La Femme Nikita"?

(Damn, I'm dyslexic today.)
nonamedufus said…
00dozo: Good try but, mmm, nope.
00dozo said…
Sneaky!! When you said "series", I thought television.

It's "The Millenium Trilogy", right??
nonamedufus said…
00dozo: Bingo! Way to go. Send me your mailing address to and I'll send it on it's merry little way. Congratulations, dozo!
00dozo said…
Great! Thanks! Check your mail.
nonamedufus said…
00dozo: Got it. Great.
Marie Nicole said…
Hey! DIDJA know there was actually a fourth book in the works? Stieg died suddenly before finishing it. It's almost all done too! Sound familiar???

I loved the trilogy, book #2 was my fave. What was your favorite?
nonamedufus said…
Nikki: A 4th book?! Cool. I've only read ! & 2 and I have to say I liked The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo better. I'm anxious to get hold of the 3rd one and now you've got me salivating at the prospect of a 4th book. This trilogy is right up there with my other favourite trilogy "His Dark Materials" the first volume of which was "The Golden Compass". Like this series, I couldn't put it down.
Nicky said…
I got a gift card for Chapters a while back...think I'll go and pick up this series. I keep hearing great things about it.
Tarheel Rambler said…
It's a great series. The conclusion in the third book was a little predictable, but I still enjoyed the books. Larrson's early death was a shame because I think his best writing was still coming.
nonamedufus said…
Nicky:Oh, it'd be a great choice. I couldn't put down 1 and 2 and now I'm off to buy #3.
nonamedufus said…
Tarheel: Yeah it's sad Larsson's success came after his death. I agree it's a great series.
Yay! You liked the book(s)! I have to get the third installment too. (Although sitting here with my leg elevated, it might be awhile til I can procure one. I like the idea of the round robin discussion about the book. Count me in!
nonamedufus said…
Boom Boom: I'm really glad you sent me #2. It made me buy #1 and I thoroughly enjoyed them both, Fascinating. Now on to #3.
brookeamanda said…
I like your new theme! And it's referred to as "The Millineum" series (don't think I spelled that right). But I don't need the book, as I've already read it. What did you think of it?
nonamedufus said…
Brookeamanda: I thought it was great. I liked the first book better but I still enjoyed the second one. Now I'm awaiting delivery of #3 from I hope they don't get my order mixed up with that almost as popular wolf shirt.

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