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Viagra - The Other White Meat

Sex aid?

The President of Argentina has aroused the interest of men everywhere, as it were.  President Cristina Fernandez publicly shared with her countrymen - and women - how satisfying a weekend she spent with her husband, after having eaten BBQ'd pork.  Pork?  What?  Let me explain.

"I've just been told something I didn't know; that eating pork improves your sex life.  I'd say it's a lot nicer to eat a bit of grilled pork than take Viagra," she told a convention of pig farming industry leaders. In the televised speech she said she recently ate pork and "things went very well that weekend, so it could well be true."

No doubt she enjoyed the pork...ahem, meat.  But she sounds like she enjoyed the sex, too.  And we now know what President Fernandez does to wile away the hours in her spare time.

One interesting aspect of this story is that Argentinian politicians would appear to have sex with their own spouses, not somebody else's.  This is a breakthrough.  This might actually start a trend in other countries.  Imagine.

The other amazing aspect is the obvious.  Imagine the money that's about to flow from Viagra prescriptions to pork.  I wonder if the Viagra market's about to go flat with the steep rise of interest in a pork substitute.  Not to mention the cattle industry.  They're bound to have a beef.

Put pork on my fork?  Don't mind if I do!  I just wonder how soon before, um, ah, sex do I have to eat it?

Eat pork and don't cry for me Argentina.


Wow... the things you learn from the Dufus! You sexy pig, you!
nonamedufus said…
Cat Lady: Just part of the service we provide - I won't steer you wrong (lol).
Donnie said…
That's it! Bacon! That's what I couldn't remember to put on my shopping list... Gee, thanks!
Unfinished Rambler said…
And my wife made me roast pork last night...

...I guess she was trying to hint at something. I had no idea. Thanks for the heads up. :)
Skye said…
Eating pork replaces Viagra, huh!?! I never would have thunk it! I can just imagine what Big Pharma has to say about that!
nonamedufus said…
Don: Are you planning on makin' bacon?
nonamedufus said…
UR: Your wife's trying to get a rise out of you, I think.
nonamedufus said…
Skye: It's a loss for Big Pharma but a gain for Pig Farmers! You see, there is a down side (pun intended) to being a vegetarian!
Anonymous said…
"One interesting aspect of this story is that Argentinian politicians would appear to have sex with their own spouses, not somebody else's. This is a breakthrough. This might actually start a trend in other countries. Imagine."

I doubt that US politicians will adopt this foreign policy. Ahem.

hee hee
nonamedufus said…
Quirks: Yeah, the current interpretation of that foreign policy isn't quite correct. Former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford has an Argentine girlfriend. Nothing wrong with that...other than he was married at the time.

When he was caught, he didn't eat pork...he ate crow.
Me-Me King said…
Uh oh, that explains why I'm not getting any.
Leeuna said…
Forget about Viagra. A good barbecue pork sandwich can often replace sex...I mean if it's a real good sandwich. Oh and bacon...yummm...way better.
nonamedufus said…
Me-Me: You're not getting any pork?
nonamedufus said…
Leeuna: How many times a week do you do, eat BBQ pork sandwiches and bacon?
Unknown said…
It would seem that other counties have a lot to learn from her! lol
Joel Klebanoff said…
Sex with their own spouses? How selfish of them! They're elected to serve the public. I hope they're not ignoring the sexual needs of their constituents. (That is, of course, why so many politicians fool around. It's not for their own enjoyment. Oh no. They're just servicing the public good.)
nonamedufus said…
AmyLK: She really knows how to get to the meat of the matter, as it were.
nonamedufus said…
Joel: You know as a member of the public service for a good many years my friends would always kid me about screwing taxpayers. Geez, I had no idea I was doing it wrong!
Mama-Face said…
LOL. Love the political commentary mixed with medical and farm terms.
I eat pork all the time -- morning, noon and night and can't go out in public anymore. Also, pork is China's most popular meat. No wonder they have a billion plus people over there, I guess.

P.S. -- My captcha word: winsum! I've had pork winsum at my Chinese restaurant.
nonamedufus said…
mama-face: Thanks. I appreciate you leaving a comment letting me know you enjoyed it. Who knew pork could improve your love life!?
nonamedufus said…
Mike: Are you complaining or bragging?
rene descartes said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Quirkyloon said…
"One interesting aspect of this story is that Argentinian politicians would appear to have sex with their own spouses, not somebody else's. This is a breakthrough. This might actually start a trend in other countries. Imagine."

I doubt that US politicians will adopt this foreign policy. Ahem.

hee hee

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