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Sometimes Packages Can Be Deceiving

Okay.  We had the guy with the explosive underwear, remember?  Remember?  Yeah, you know, the guy they asked "Is that a bomb in your pants or are you just glad to see me?"

Well, get this.  Men in Britain can downgrade that bomb but still be able to beef up their briefs.

Excuse me?

A British department store group called Debenhams was selling a very unique pair of men's underwear online.  And as Valentine's Day approached last week sales shot up 76 per cent.

You might say these are underpants that enhance, if you get my drift.  They're sure to get a rise between the thighs and a reaction from your girl...up to a certain point.

The underwear are advertised as "anatomy-boosting".  Uh-huh.  They work the same way as a woman's cleavage-enhancing Wonderbra in that they use a "lift and hold" feature in the front.

Who would have thought?  Package-enhancing underwear for men.

The department store stands behind its long as they're worn.

They won't be held responsible for the let down, I guess you could say, once the pants come off.


Anonymous said…
Good grief!

Or should that be good "brief?"

heh heh heh

And that's what the world really needs is another phallic booster, cuz it's been basked over so many times!

Long live the package!
Jackie said…
Hey I'd like to get a pair for my boyfriend, they look pretty nice
Mama-Face said…
Well, Us women have had the padded push up bra for years. Not that I know anything about that...just saw some ad somewhere.
Deb said…
Finally. An alternative to bananas in your pants, which will no longer result in that "ripe" smell. Wait. No fruit is involved in this, right?
Me-Me King said…
Wow, whatever happened to just adding a pair of socks to your briefs?
nonamedufus said…
Quirks: Yeah, I think the package deserves a lift.
nonamedufus said…
Jackie: The sell them on the department store's site.
nonamedufus said…
mama-face: Wouldn't a guy have to wear tight pants to have an impact with this briefs? All sounds a little constricting to me.
nonamedufus said…
Deb: I dunno. I think bananas have their appeal.
nonamedufus said…
Me-Me: Socks? I love the scene from Spinal Tap where the guy goes through airport security with a cucumber wrapped in tin foil that sets off the alarm.
injaynesworld said…
If a guy really wants to impress me with a package, it had better be blue and have "Tiffany" written across it.
nonamedufus said…
Jayne: That's weird. who'd get a name tattooed on their package?
Skye said…
"Comp" is my confirm word and generally speaking it stands for compensation. Are people really so insecure in themselves that they need these "package boosters"?

Never mind answering that!
Ziva said…
I'm asking myself, why not just sell regular underwear but throw in a complimentary sock for everyone's viewing pleasure? And since you obviously wouldn't score with a girl while wearing a sock in your underwear, the sock could instead double as an aid when the mood strikes. Ingenious.
nonamedufus said…
Skye: So that was a rhetorical question?
nonamedufus said…
Ziva: An aid? Like an athletic supporter?
Ziva said…
I was thinking more in the line of friction provider and load catcher. But I'm not a guy so I wouldn't know anything about that.
nonamedufus said…
Ziva: 1 is the loneliest number.
Donnie said…
That's what bananas are for! Save your money and go with a big banana and two firm peaches. Whatever you have left after they shrivel can be served on your cereal.
nonamedufus said…
Don: Gotta love ya Don. You're always so practical.
What, no link? You're actually going to make me Google these male enhancing underpants? I have a...erm...a friend who might be interested in a pair.
nonamedufus said…
Mike: Don't get your shorts in a knot.

Unknown said…
Are people really that worried about their package? If I could find a descent man, I don't think I would worry about his package.
nonamedufus said…
AmyLK: It takes all kinds. And I guess it takes all kinds of marketers to please them...and make a little money doing so.

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