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Ode To The Flu

My apologies if this post is late
I'm contending with something I hate
No matter what I've tried to do
I can't get rid of this blasted flu

I've aching bones, a pounding head
I'd rather just stay in bed
My ears are plugged, can't hear a thing
Even when the telephone rings

How many boxes of tissues I've used?
Countless, my poor nostrils are abused
And I blow and blow but all for naught
Because I've an endless supply of snot.


Donnie said…
Good luck with that stuff. I haven't had the seasonal vaccine, but I did take the swine vaccine. Our flu season ends here soon. Hope that you're feeling better quickly.
Whitey said…
And yet another humor blogger succumbs to the flu. So much for laughter being the best medicine.
Anonymous said…
Dang! What happened to us?

Are we living in The Matrix?


Get better soon Nomie! It sucketh to be sicketh!

I knoweth.
nonamedufus said…
Don: I had the H1N1 shot. Guess it's my own fault I didn't get the flu shot. (blows nose) Blah.
nonamedufus said…
Whitey: Well, I'm sure not laughing. Hope I didn't pass it on to you last week.
nonamedufus said…
Quirks: I didn't realize the flu was contagious over the interwebs. From now on I'll practice safe text.
Me-Me King said…
Oh, noooooooo, you too? Just how much snot can one human manufacture? Keep warm, drink plenty of liquids, blah, blah, blah.

Get well soon!
Unknown said…
feel better soon!
injaynesworld said…
What's with you guys? Quirky, Me-Me and now you. I'm stayin' the hell away from this place. Nice little poem though. ;) Feel better soon.
nonamedufus said…
Me-Me: A LOT apparently. I thought I had a bloody nose but it's-not.
nonamedufus said…
AmyLK: Thanks, I'm trying.
nonamedufus said…
Jayne: I thought it was "good things came in threes"...but this sucks.
Skye said…
Caught the nasty flu virus from having visited Mad Margo, didn't ya!?! I hope now that I've visited you, I don't catch it too!

Cheers man, I hope you get better soon!
nonamedufus said…
Skye: Thanks. I hope so too.
Kelly said…
Hoping you feel better soon. So far, I've managed to avoid the evil flu but I think it's still lurking around dark corners, waiting to pounce.
nonamedufus said…
Kelly: Oh, it's out there!
I've been down for the count myself. I got the H1N1 and the regular flu shots so I can't imagine what I'd be feeling like without them.

Hope you're up and about soon!
nonamedufus said…
CL: Wow, you had both shots and it still took you down? That's a pretty strong virus! Glad you're on the road to recovery.

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