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Pause Ponder and Pee

I don't know what you'll do with this pic this week.  I'm almost afraid to know.  But we'll be back Saturday with a weiner, er, um, winner.

Good luck and don't forget to whiz over to Mad Mad Margo's The Screaming Me-Me for more captioning craziness.


ba_hutch said…
When Detroit residents complained about the new id requirements to cross the border, city officials erected this exhibit outside the RenCen, making it unnecessary to go to Windsor for a Golden Shower.
ba_hutch said…
wwms*? "Wicked Pisser"

*what would moooooog say

(btw, pisser is pronounced pissah.)
Moooooog35 said…
If you think this is nasty, you should see what's happening on the other side.
Moooooog35 said…
Across the way, at the dairy farm, they have a similar mural with Pee Wee Herman.
Anonymous said…
All my synaptical activity is too busy laughing and gagging at the pic to even TRY to come up with a caption!

I'll have to think on this one, that's IF I can stop laughing long enough! hee hee hee
Tgoette said…
Michaelangelo's David giving a Golden Shower to school children is part of the latest wave in modern cultural expression, followed by the Mona Lisa taking a dump on a live chicken.
Donnie said…
This is better than playing with the elephant dung display at the zoo.
I don't care where you are... when you gotta go, you gotta go!
Anonymous said…
If you like this then you are going to love the Venus de Milo waltzing waters show.
Anonymous said…
Once R Kelly was found not guilty, getting caught on film giving children golden showers became the way to catapult B celebs to A status.
renalfailure said…
And to think, I used to pay 50 bucks for this privilege...
JeffScape said…

Oh, that's the greatest thing I've seen so far in 2010!

What makes it better is that the word verification for this comment is "dizzled."

ba_hutch said…
wwms*? "Wicked Pisser"

*what would moooooog say

(btw, pisser is pronounced pissah.)

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