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Heavy Hitting Caption Contest

Back to sports this week for our captioning perspiration, er, um, inspiration.  Must be the Olympic influence.

So kick this pic around and let's see who can score a winning caption.

And don't forget to rush over to The Screaming Me-Me, where hopefully Mad Mad Margo has gotten over her flu and has one of her funny pics to huddle over.

See you Saturday with the results.


Sure, Muffintop was in his fifteenth year of high school, but the team still needed him.
Moooooog35 said…
No Jimmy, you're playing fullBACK. fullBACK!
Moooooog35 said…
The 'Statue of Liberty' play is so much easier since they discovered they can hide the ball in Jeffrey's navel.
Moooooog35 said…
In Kentucky, pregnant women are allowed to play tackle.
Donnie said…
The Pillsbury doughboy will be sure to knead the team into a cohesive unit.
Anonymous said…
Why the "Try our human-roo sac" campaign went south.
Me-Me King said…
Clearly a case of dunlap disease, his belly done lapped over the top of his pants.
Moooooog35 said…
Kirstey Alley plays football?!?!
Tgoette said…
Though her doctor advised against playing tackle in her last trimester, it was nonetheless a championship game and she had to do it for the team.
Chris said…
"Farber, Farber, he's our man! If he can't eat it, NO ONE CAN!"
Chris said…
Late in the game, the Spartans took a fifteen-yard penalty for eating the passer.
Brian Miller said…
dang, its so hot out here i am melting...
Skye said…
Sometimes trying to relive the good ole days is not the best idea!
Skye said…
Whaddya mean my uniform's too small? I got it on didn' I!?!

Uh Buddy, why are you wearing one of our uniforms? You should be on the other team, you know, the team called "Beer Bellies or Bust"!?!
Ziva said…
They knew Little Jimmy had an eating problem when the football went missing mid-game.
Poor Jerry was made fun of often by members of his football team, because he was the only guy who wore black athletic socks. "Black Athletic Sock Jerry," they all called him...

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