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Pause Ponder and Pun

OK, folks, another Wednesday another pic for your captioning enjoyment.

I don't know what to make of this.  I hope you do.

I'll see you Saturday with our winner.

In the meantime be sure and visit Margo at The Screaming Me-Me and Kirsten at The Soccer Mom Files for more crazy captioning conundrums.


Moooooog35 said…
Moooooog35 said…
Johnny suffered from the extremely rare and fatal condition known as BlowupPenisitis.
Nooter said…
daaad, the babysitter you asked for is here...!
Nooter said…
NO uncle jimmy!
its MY balloon, you cant have it!
Donnie said…
Well, this is the way I saw you do it daddy.
Donnie said…
Does it float?
Jayne Martin said…
Can we keep her?
Whitey said…
Ladies and gentleman, the youth division champion of the Pornapalooza wheelbarrow race.
Me-Me King said…
Little Ricky shows off Daddy's new girlfriend.
Whitey said…
I thought you said to put another shrimp on the Barbie.
Put another shrimp on the Barbie?

Too good, Whitey... too good!
Anonymous said…
"Nanny nanny va-jay-jay!"
renalfailure said…
The ramifications of the teddy bear shortage of 2010 will not be known for some time...
renalfailure said…
"I like New Mommy!"
Tgoette said…
Mommy!! Look what I found in daddy's closet!
Phillipia said…
Well, Daddy, this is the way "sideshow freak" was doing it to Mommy...
Skye said…
Man, every thought I've had so far has already been said by someone else!

We'll try this though:

This just goes to show that sex ed is never started too young!
K A B L O O E Y said…
This is what those pinko liberals in the Obama administration want your tax dollars for -- Sex Ed for Preschoolers. (Paid for by the Republican National Committee)
Chris said…
What I want to know is, how did they cut the face-sized hole in the condom?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Male porn stars aren't born... They're made!
Tgoette said…
Verne Troyer on the set of "Mini-Me: Revenge of the Tripod"
anthonynorth said…
Now that is mind boggling :-)
You'll find mine here.
Moooooog35 said…
The day Billy discovered his true calling as a sideshow balloon inflator.
Homemaker Man said…
Doll gives birth at county fair. Child half-human!

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