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Sunday Funnies

My barometer for contentious issues is a little different than most. While others may judge a volatile issue by the number of media stories or the length of newspaper or web articles I can tell a trending topic by the number of editorial cartoons I come across. Last week, the reaction to President Obama's speech to school kids didn't disappoint, generating one hell of a reaction from editorial cartoonists...


Skye said…
What I don't understand is why it's so bad for Obama to stress that education is necessary to get a good job later in life. But then I saw the G.O.P. cartoon and all came clear to me. That one says it all!
Anonymous said…
I remember when Ronnie Reagan was the "education" President( still have the award )...then Daddy Bush came along and wanted to practically eliminate school funding. I agree with Skye on the G.O.P. 'toon...
Anonymous said…
by-the-by noname, I'm linking you to my re-vamped "other" bloggo :)
Skye hit the old sickle with the hammer on that one. How is encouraging children to do well in school socialist propaganda? Oh, yeah... because everyone would be improving themselves for the good of the motherland.
nonamedufus said…
Skye: I'm with you. I didn't get the reaction and the media coverage of it. Bizarre.

subby: Thanks for the link, man.

CatLady: Some were saying Obama would use the kids to sell his health care package through them. There are those on the political right that are just plain dumb...and scarey.
Jen said…
Too bad his speech isn't required for adults. Work hard and be responsible... there are a lot of adults, liberal and conservative, who would benefit from that speech.
Donnie said…
Why would any president encourage kids to stay in public schools here? They are terrible. Pouring more taxpayer dollars to feed the teacher's unions hardly helps the kids. Government run (i.e.public) schools stink!
nonamedufus said…
Jen: Ha. excellent point.

Don: It's sad if the money earmarked for education isn't getting there.
ReformingGeek said…
So what did all the home-schoolers do?

I'm poking fun a little. It's big down here in the Bible Belt.
Anonymous said…
So there was never any mention about redistribution of good grades for EVERYONE?

Dang! Here I was hoping to go back to school, but without that kind of help...I'm stuck.

And here I thought Obama had my back!

Oh well! heh heh heh
Unknown said…
Don said it. The teachers union is worthless. Teachers getting paid even when they have been accused of molestation, per union rules. Our Governor took the money earmarked for education to help settle the state budget. Bitch!
nonamedufus said…
Reffie: Home schooling? You'd think a "white house" would know all about that. (Sorry best comeback I could come up with)

Quirks: Hey, sistahs are doing it for themselves!

ettarose: There's abviously a serious streak in what I chose to treat humourously. Thanks to you and Don for raising an issue I wasn't aware of. And re-directing funding away from education should not be tolerated.
SEO Expert said…
I keep want to start this comment with ‘good’ or ‘nice’ or ‘great’ but none of these seems strong enough, or appropriate enough for what you just posted.Just fantastic and mind blowing blog keep it up..!!!
nonamedufus said…
Skye: I'm with you. I didn't get the reaction and the media coverage of it. Bizarre.

subby: Thanks for the link, man.

CatLady: Some were saying Obama would use the kids to sell his health care package through them. There are those on the political right that are just plain dumb...and scarey.
Quirkyloon said…
So there was never any mention about redistribution of good grades for EVERYONE?

Dang! Here I was hoping to go back to school, but without that kind of help...I'm stuck.

And here I thought Obama had my back!

Oh well! heh heh heh
ReformingGeek said…
So what did all the home-schoolers do?

I'm poking fun a little. It's big down here in the Bible Belt.

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