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30 Days of Photos - Postscript

This is kind of like the long goodbye. We had day #30 of 30 on Monday. Then we had Outtakes Day on Tuesday. And now a final word about the whole exercise.

It's over. Thank the Lord. Last month I was among 18 bloggers who participated in something called 30 Days Of Photos. Who knew it took so long for 30 days to pass?. But like an oversized kidney stone, they finally did. Yes, at times it was painful. I mean some days the themes being proposed were, um, to be polite: challenging.

And what's with this 30 day business? I also posted a couple of preludes, this postscript and on day 31 a little overview of some of the photos that weren't used. That's 34 days of photos you wise guys.

But it was an interesting exercise. Bloggers who I knew I got to know better. And bloggers who I'd never heard of before I got to meet and know them, too. We had American bloggers, Canadian bloggers, Brit bloggers and Finnish bloggers. A veritable United Nations of focus pullers. Imagine. World peace through picture taking.

Ziva and Mike, our task-masters, came up with some whacky themes for all of us to interpret photographically. I think they did this after a night of doing schnapps shooters and herring hors d'oeuvres (isn't that what Finns subsist on, Ziva?) And the exercise took its toll on some. One participant decided to accept a job offer instead of participate and dropped out all together. Another said she broke her leg walking her dog and was unable to post any more. Wish I'd thought of that. Bet she wishes she thought of that sooner. She only came up with the excuse on Day 24.

The rest of us muddled along, posting pictures, visiting each other and leaving witty comments on each others' blogs.

Now some of these people posted beautiful pictures. Others wrote witty and humorous descriptions of their photos. And the very talented did both. Sometimes even on the same day.

Cheryl, for example, posted 30 days of gorgeous pics many of them of nature. And at the end of our little group grope she worked up a beautiful collage of a photo from each of us. She also drew up several badges for us. Here's the one I chose...

And I'm gonna keep it in my sidebar as a little meme memento as it were. Thanks Cheryl!

Me? I used my trusted iPhone camera for every single photo. And I was actually surprised by the quality of those photos. Well some of them any way. But I had fun and I think overall that was the whole point of the exercise.

Aside from that we learned all about each other, where we live, our kids, families, Nora's cats and, yes, even beavers.

I've never had more comments, visitors or page-views. My blog stats exploded. And I should thank all you guys for stopping by and chatting about my photos.

I've created a page up there with the others for this little exercise where all my posts can be found tagged 30 Days of Photos. Lord knows why you'd want to be reminded. But for those of you with a little sadomasochistic bent, good on ya!

Speaking of sadomasochistic, when all is said and done, Ziva - who had threatened us all at the outset - never had to get her whip out. And I was kind of looking forward to that.

And for the very last time. Here's a list of the great folks who, like me, had nothing better to do with their lives in April:

ZivaMikeNicky & MikeMoMeleahBryanMariannMalissaNoraLaughing MomTanyaElizabeth00dozoCherylKristen and Katherine

And they know as I do that, as Rod "Aristotle" Stewart once said, "every picture tells a story, don't it?"


Cheryl said…
This is incredibly sweet. It was such a joy to meet you along the way. I knew you were out there but for some reason never jumped on board the dufus wagon. I think it's because I pretty much suck at puns and was so humbled by what everyone could think of for your Pause Ponder and Pun photos.

Once I find my brain, I'm going to give it another go. I want one of those Hanging with Dufus badges, but I think ya gotta play to win one of those, amIright?
nonamedufus said…
I'm glad we met too and I so enjoyed your photos. They were gorgeous. I look forward to you participating in future Pause Ponder and Puns.I know you can win that badge.
Cheryl said…
Oh goodie. The pity vote. I can't wait to toss some schlock up on your post.
Even though I already know you, it was cool getting your perspective from another angle...through the lens of an iPhone camera. I used my Samsung cellphone camera myself, which unfortunately did hamper me in some shots, but also helped in others.
nonamedufus said…
I can't wait to see your schlock. That's not a euphemism is it?
nonamedufus said…
You know what Bryan? I don't think the photographic equipment was the most important thing. Nor the quality of the photo. What I enjoyed was interpreting each theme and seeing how others did too. That was the fun part in all of this.
Well, we definitely had some different interpretations. :)
nonamedufus said…
Yeah, and that's what made it so much fun.
Cheryl said…
Last time I checked it wasn't. Then again that was back in the 80s.
Linda Medrano said…
I really enjoyed the photos. You are a talented lot! I really am sort of glad it's over though because I had to allow a two hour time frame every day to go see everybody's work. I didn't visit a couple of people because the "captcha" code things were just too hard to deal with. In the case of Mo, I couldn't see the characters I was typing so after a couple of tries, I just gave up. It was a very interesting and entertaining exercise. You are all winners of this non-competition.
nonamedufus said…
There was a lot of schlock around in the 80s.
nonamedufus said…
It was good of you to visit us all Linda. I'm glad we were able to hold your interest. Thanks for leaving your comments here.
Nicky said…
Well said - er - written, Dufus! You summed it up perfectly. It was fascinating (and often hysterical) to see how people interpreted the different themes.
nonamedufus said…
Yes it was, wasn't it. I really enjoyed the experience. An you didn't post one picture of cheese! Go figure.
00dozo said…
I failed to mention it before, but I really like that self-portrait of you (and the crumpled up calendar month of April behind it - frustrated or relieved??). I'm just a little puzzled as to how you took it.

Great post! You might see a few more entries for PPP soon - I think you taught many of us how to be punnier.

But sorry you didn't get your whipping from Ziva, though.

Jayne said…
You all really did a fabulous job with this challenge. I didn't get by to see every challenge every day, but I admire the hell out of all of you nonetheless.
nonamedufus said…
Ha, you're the only one to mention that. I started this with a pic of my iPhone on the page April. I ended it with the page crumpled up. That's me and my iPhone taking a picture of my iPad which is taking a picture of me!

I'm all for more PPP captions, believe me.

And the whip? Maybe next time.
nonamedufus said…
Thanks, Jayne. It was fun but a long haul.
nonamedufus said…
Here's the pic I used at the outset in one of the "prelude" posts.
nonamedufus said…
And here's the post from March 30...
Ziva said…
I can't tell you how happy I am that you decided to join us for this little exercise, even if you did follow every rule and didn't give me any reason to come over with my whip. (Where did you get that photo of me, anyway??)

Thank you for playing along. It was a true pleasure. :)
Quirkyloon said…
Well done Mr. Dufus! Very well done. *smile*
nonamedufus said…
Well, Ziva, you were pretty guarded about posting any photos of yourself so I sort went with my imagination. What do you think?
nonamedufus said…
Thanks, there, Quirks. Of course, after 30 days of pictures I have absolutely no idea what to write about now.
Ziva said…
Very nice. Of course, I usually try to look more sexy and less bored when I'm holding my whip, but aside from that, a pretty close match. ;)
nonamedufus said…
Of course you do. But I'll have to take your word for it. And I do. Of course I believe you.
I'm glad this has been cleared up.
nonamedufus said…
Feel free to use that picture of Ziva, Mo. She's given her endorsement.

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