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Sunday Funnies


quirkyloon said…
That last one really had me rolling. Whatever will they come up with next? Oh, I know.... Mitt Romney and his wives. No, that's NOT a typo. And since I AM a Mormon I'm allowed to make fun. Oh, you are too?

Huh. Whoda thunkit? hee hee

And RIP Steve Jobs.
nonamedufus said…
How many wives does Romney have?
quirkyloon said…
Well only one Dufus, but once people found out yer a Mormon? They always think there's more wives hanging around.

Any of them hanging witchoo?

nonamedufus said…
And, um, so how many wives does your husband have? I've never heard you talk about them.
Stef Papenfuss said…
These cartoons are not up to your usual standard. Too much fantasy football!
nonamedufus said…
I know, it's taking over my life. I think I need some professional help.
Nicky said…
So, was that first cartoon based on a certain NoName family breakfast discussion? :-)
nonamedufus said…
Ha, ha, no. Actually I had to Google the guy so I knew what the heck was going on. No, she's still hooked on Tom Brady. Hockey players just don't wear those snuffy fitting uniforms. Well, unless they pose for pictures after they've taken them off.
00dozo said…
They should probably rename Wall Street to Gall Street.

What? Palin's not running?? Wah! I truly empathize with those cartoonists. (Funny, that 'toon somehow reminds me of BonyMike's avatar but his headline would probably read, "Shakespear is a fraud". Quite disheartening.)

00dozo said…
Like anyone would want to see Eddie Shack half naked.

00dozo said…
You could always call John Madden.

nonamedufus said…
And like that will help?
nonamedufus said…
Clear the track...
nonamedufus said…
It does, doesn't it. This development puts Tina Fey out of work.

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