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30 Days of Photos IV - Day 26 - Rising

This is the view from my room in the Hull Hospital Emergency ward where I spent a little over 12 hours earlier this week. (See my feet?)

You see my blood sugar was rising so high at dinner time the read out I was getting on my doo-flicky wasn't even a number. All it said was "Hi". So after a consultation with my pharmacist it was off to Emergency about 8:30 Monday evening.

12 and a half hours and 30 units of insulin later they let me go.

Not a moment too soon.

Why do they call it emergency? That word to me conjures up something a little quicker.

They should call it something like Emergency, Not.

Needless to say, when I got out my blood sugar wasn't rising anymore.

But my anxiety was.

The lengths I go to for this challenge.

Nip on over to Ziva's where she's probably got a picture of a cake or something else I can't eat.


Shawn Ohara said…
Next time say, 30 units of insulin, to go, please.
Hope you are doing better. And watch that sugar!
ReformingGeek said…
Oh my. That's the wrong kind of rising! I'm glad the rest of your week was a downer.

Sorry. Couldn't resist.

Hee Hee. Your feet are like mine but much bigger. Kidding. Kidding. The caffeine is kicking in. What I mean is that your second toe is not longer than your big toe.
Agent 54 said…
Glad you're feeling better. Nice job on pic.
nonamedufus said…
Things were kind of quite at 4am.
nonamedufus said…
All I can do is put my best foot forward.
babs (beetle) said…
So glad your blood sugar is not rising now! That's scary.
nonamedufus said…
Believe me, Babs, me too.
meleahrebeccah said…
Damn, John! I'm so sorry you had to be in the hospital even for ONE second!! But I am SUPER happy you're okay now.
Glad you said that was your feet! Hmmmm do you think at that point it was God saying "hi?" All kidding aside... So glad you are ok!!!
nonamedufus said…
One second would have been okay. 12 hours was a bit much. I had to wait 8 hours before I even saw a doctor. Crazy.
meleahrebeccah said…
12 hours = horrible!!!

And 8 hours before you even saw the doctor? UGH!!!
Linda Medrano said…
Damn! I am really glad you are okay. I guess we won't be eating any sugar while you are here.
nonamedufus said…
I thought I was never going home! And poor Mrs D. They didn't even give her a chair.
nonamedufus said…
Sugar's not on my menu these days, no. Unfortunately.
Ziva said…
Awww, dufus! You didn't have to go get all hyperglycemic for us, but I do appreciate the effort you're putting in. You get extra points today.
mikewjattoomanymornings said…
Damn man, you went to the emergency room and still managed to post photos every day?

You deserve a cookie.

No, wait. Maybe something without sugar like beef jerky.
Cheryl said…
He managed to comment on every damn one of the other posts too. The man's obviously nuts.
Cheryl said…
I'd have been tempted to call Mrs. D. to come running to let her know that you had a sentient blood pressure thing-a-jig. Not everyone has your good fortune. It's a bit like "2001: A Space Odyssey." Next thing you know it'll be demanding you call it Hal.

So glad you're doing better. That's a lot of units of insulin, buddy. Lay off the sugar for a bit, m'kay?
Debra She Who Seeks said…
Yes, you DO go the extra mile for this photo challenge and we appreciate it! What were you eating for dinner?
Lauren said…
I love the picture despite the circumstances. I think the hospital added to your anxiety.
Did you get into those cookies Ziva baked the other day? I hate emergency rooms... you know you're going to be there for a minimum of 8 hours just to get your temperature taken. Hope you're feeling better!
nonamedufus said…
Gee, thanks, Ziva. Can I trade those points in on air tickets to Finland?
nonamedufus said…
Just pass the cottage cheese.
nonamedufus said…
I just wanted to say "hi".
nonamedufus said…
Mrs D was with me all the way. Or should I say Dr D.
nonamedufus said…
Never got as far as dinner. Took my blood sugar reading and was off to the hospital. Missed dinner entirely.
nonamedufus said…
Thinks are back on track. It really was a mystery, Paula.
Ziva said…
Wouldn't that be awesome? I'd even bake you cookies. Don't worry, though, I'll have some extra insulin on hand.
nonamedufus said…
I love cookies. They don't love me, however.
Jackal said…
Oh yikes !
Nicky said…
*Now* can I give you grief for that McDonald's breakfast shot? Did they put you in the children's ward or something? Why are your feet sticking out the end of the bed?Take care of yourself, mon ami.
Jay of The Depp Effect said…
Good grief .. scary!

I'm glad they managed to stabilise your blood sugar.

You're right - Emergency Room Not. When I went to the emergency department with chest pains bad enough to make me catch my breath, things moved sooo slooowwwlly (even though there was hardly anyone else there) that I honestly thought I'd probably be found dead in the cubicle when someone finally remembered me. Turned out to be muscular, thank heavens.
nonamedufus said…
Yes, Mom, Okay, Mom. My feet are sticking out because it's a stretcher, smaller than a bed. And they didn't even give me a pillow or Mrs D a chair.
nonamedufus said…
I think they need more doctors. To wait 8 hours before seeing a doctor is a bit much.
Nicky said…
And don't sass me, young man!
mike said…
Wow, and you still took a pic. That is dedication. Glad you're outta there, Dufus.
nonamedufus said…
Hey, I'm in this all the way, eh. until they take this camera from my cold dead hands...
nonamedufus said…
You should have seen us trying to sleep together on the stretcher! Fun.
Cheryl P. said…
How scary?? Glad you are back home and better. I am surprised you even thought about the challenge. You are a good sport in keeping up with these prompts.
nonamedufus said…
It was the perfect circumstance for the prompt. I just took advantage of it.

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