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30 Days of Photos - Day 5 - Mushroom

I love mushrooms.

In a salad.

On a burger.

On a steak.

In my soup.


I've never had a magic mushroom.

And yet I'd term mushrooms on my dinner plate magical.

I buy my mushrooms at the store.

I never eat mushrooms I find growing in the yard.

And what's the smallest room in my house?

A mush room.

If you wanna be a fungi (heh, heh) pop on over to Ziva's place and see what other photos have sprouted up today. 


Lauren said…
LOL! I love mushrooms, too. "Those look yummy," says my tummy. I love your little ditty.
Agent 54 said…
Nice. I thought this might be my pic. My apartment is small I don't have mush room.
Shawn Ohara said…
I like mushrooms in my omelette. The breakfast of champignons.
Cheryl P. said…
Cream of mushroom soup, homemade of course, is really good.

You have a mush room? As I am a Realtor, I am sure that adds value to your home.
ReformingGeek said…
Are you sure you weren't rolling in the fungi this morning?

I've got to Lots to do today. :)
nonamedufus said…
I just love shrooms.
nonamedufus said…
Ha, ha, Agent 54. Good one.
nonamedufus said…
We are the champignons!
nonamedufus said…
I love cream of mushroom soup. Delicious.
nonamedufus said…
I wasn't rolling in the fungi, no. Just to put a "cap" on this comment.
mikewjattoomanymornings said…
Okay, that's pretty good.
mikewjattoomanymornings said…
I'm with you on this one, NoName. In fact, a mushroom burger with Swiss cheese sounds just about perfect right now. Thanks for the suggestion.
Ziva said…
I love a man who loves mushrooms. I'm coming over for dinner tonight.
babs (beetle) said…
I love mushrooms any which way, but deep fried, whole are delish! Sadly I'm a tad more health conscious now days, so don't have them deep fried.
nonamedufus said…
Yep, sounds good, Mike. Think I'll join you.
nonamedufus said…
I'm ready. How's steak and mushrooms? Or are you a vegetarian? If so, we may have some eggplant that Mrs D has been saving for just such an occasion.
nonamedufus said…
Never tried deep-fried mushrooms. Bet that'd be good.
nonamedufus said…
Spore the merrier. (OK, that's reaching.)
babs (beetle) said…
Oh you must try them. Button (closed) mushrooms, deep fried for just long enough to go golden. The mushroom juices stay inside. Delicious!
Jackal said…
nom nom burp
Ziva said…
Steak and mushrooms sounds divine. And no, I'm not a vegetarian, but I'm not opposed to having one for dinner.
nonamedufus said…
Excuse me?! You're cut off.
nonamedufus said…
Sounds delish!
nonamedufus said…
Rare? Your steak, not you. We know how rare you are.
Ziva said…
Yes, please. A good vet should still be able to bring the steak back to life.
Cheryl said…
The house I grew up in had a mush room too!
Nora Blithe said…
Personally, I'm hit or miss on mushrooms. I love them in my soup. I hate them on pizza. Go figure.
nonamedufus said…
There's such a thing?
nonamedufus said…
Pizza isn't pizza without mushrooms, Nora.
nonamedufus said…
Ha. Mrs D likes hers "blue". You can still hear it moo on the plate.
Nicky said…
Yes it is.
Nicky said…
Sigh. You won't eat a harmless pea, but you'll eat disgusting mushrooms. Je suis très deçu, mon ami.
MalisaHargrove said…
I'm with you, Dufus. Love mushrooms on anything. I don't understand why people buy mushrooms in cans though. Fresh mushrooms are wonderful. I think they are the fungus among us.
Traci Shannon said…
I love that you have a mush room, too. Yours is probably cleaner than mine...
nonamedufus said…
Canned mushrooms? Nope. Not going there. Gotta be me.
nonamedufus said…
Don't get me going on peas. You know better.
nonamedufus said…
I was only kidding. Is there such a thing as a mush room?
Cheryl said…
Not that I've ever heard. We DID have a mudroom and everything that landed there was pretty mushed together what with 9 people trying to find a place to put all their winter layers so none of us dragged more than our fair share of snow into the house.
Traci Shannon said…
I defined mush room as a room where everything that doesn't have a home is mushed together. I then showed photos to prove just how familiar I am with said room.I think I gave Ziva and a couple of others OCD attacks. So that's my mush room. :-)
Katherine Murray said…
I haven't had a magic mushroom either, but I've seen people who have! Apparently the colors are QUITE amazing. :)

I love mushrooms too and I NEVER remember to buy them! So when I do my daughter goes crazy like I brought home the finest chocolate or something.... it runs in the family!
mike said…
Mushrooms like those are great when they're pristine. Once they start to get the smallest blemish, I run like hell. Aside from that, I'm mostly cool with mushrooms
nonamedufus said…
Ah, okay, then in that case I've got one of those and rarely go there.
nonamedufus said…
I never tried a magic mushroom either but my adventurous days are far behind me.
nonamedufus said…
Yeah, once they turn it's best to avoid them. I love mushrooms in a salad, especially a Cobb salad..
nonamedufus said…
Our front hall looks like that sometimes. Especially with Mrs D's shoes! (Don't tell her I mentioned this.)
meleahrebeccah said…
Yummmmmmmo!! I love mushrooms too!
nonamedufus said…
Tasty, right? And that ain't lame!
Paula Larew Wooters said…
You didn't serve me any of those mushrooms when I came to visit. You must have been hoarding them.
nonamedufus said…
No we were fresh out. Warn us the next time you're coming and we'll get some.

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