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30 Days of Photos - Day 14 - NSFW

Okay, bear with me.

This is a shot of Ottawa's Parliament Buildings from the Royal Alexandra Interprovincial Bridge across the Ottawa River between Quebec and Ontario.

Usually the hub of political activity, Members of Parliament and Senators are currently on their summer vacation. And they won't be coming back anytime soon as the Prime Minister intends to seek permission from the Governor General to prorogue Parliament, resulting in an empty Senate and House of Commons until the PM decides to recall them.

Of course everyone sees right through the PM's motives. He wants to dial down the media and public discussion associated with the current scandal involving government Senators and their questionable housing and associated travel expense accounts. Not surprisingly, polls show two-thirds of Canadians are against proroguing.

So for the time being the Parliamentary precinct is Not Suitable For Work.

There, how's that for an interpretation of NSFW?

Miss Ziva Moon has a whole bunch of photographers interpreting NSFW today. I can't wait to see what they came up with. Maybe somebody I know did something with a whip. I can only hope.


Shawn Ohara said…
I was going to throw in the Charter of Values into yesterday's theme (wrong) but it would have just been a sixteen page angry rant against the PQ.
Jay of The Depp Effect said…
Wow. I have to wonder why he wanted to do that .. or maybe not. Someone might tell me, and I have zero interest in politics!

Interesting interpretation!
nonamedufus said…
Living in the capital region I think we're a little closer to politics than most Canadians. But this is supposed to be a humour blog so don't get me going.
Ziva said…
Way to go, dufus, I approve of your take on the theme.
nonamedufus said…
Not the usual take but it suited me, Ziva. And it works. Although, here in Canada, it's more some of the politicians that are nsfw not the actual place where they work.
ReformingGeek said…
Sigh. I bet there's a lot less traffic around there these days.

Great take on the theme!
Debra She Who Seeks said…
Very clever, nonamedufus. But I wanted to see some T & A. Not Stephen Harper's though, of course.
nonamedufus said…
Yes, right. You know I complain about the PM's action but it's nice not having a bunch of politicians shouting at each other on the news lately.
nonamedufus said…
Oh God that would really be NSFW.
Ziva said…
We have some of those, too. A lot of them, really... It seems politics attract all kinds of idiots.
Nicky said…
Hah! Nice one, Dufus. Although, even when they're not on vacation, it doesn't seem to be suitable for work...
nonamedufus said…
I wonder why that is/ Are they too inexperienced (read dumb or stupid) to do anything else?
meleahrebeccah said…
"So for the time being the Parliamentary precinct is Not Suitable For Work."

Oh!! Okay - I had no idea where you were going with this one!
nonamedufus said…
You may have something there, Nicky. I'm very disenchanted with the current state of politics in this country. The feds prorogue parliament, the PQ wants to create an Aryan race, the municipalities can't work without kickbacks...

Time to take a deep breath...
nonamedufus said…
You had to wait for it. I was building up to it.
nonamedufus said…
It's not often I see "intellectual" in a sentence about me these days, Lauren. Thanks.
nonamedufus said…
Exactly. Too bad those politicians didn't.
Ziva said…
I think it's just that anyone smart enough would never go into politics to begin with. ;)
nonamedufus said…
Ah, good point.
nonamedufus said…
Boy this contest has inspired many things...from cats to politics. Who would have thought.
Nora Blithe said…
I feel that way about all politicians.
nonamedufus said…
Good on ya, Nora.
Jackal said…
oh now my brain hurts !
Paula Larew Wooters said…
Funny... our US government office appear not to be suitable for work, either.
Katherine Murray said…
OK, you are the smart one of the bunch... !!!! You win on brains alone for this one!
nonamedufus said…
We have something in common then.
Traci Shannon said…
Nice play on the theme. And a great pic of the Parliament, even if empty.
Cheryl P. said…
I had no idea that was going on. Very interesting way to handle this prompt.
nonamedufus said…
It's a magnificent set of historical buildings. They're currently going through multi-million dollar renovations.
nonamedufus said…
This is the 3rd time this Prime Minister has done this. You want to avoid your political responsibilities? to the Canadian public? Just prorogue Parliament. Idiots.
Cheryl P. said…
After seeing your post I Googled it and read several articles. I have been avoiding political news lately as I am sick up to my eyeballs with American I clearly missed Canada's latest problems. If the U.S. closed Congress for behavioral scandals, our Representatives and Senators would never have to come to work...EVER. I found it really interesting how this prorogue effects pending legislation.
nonamedufus said…
It effectively kills existing legislation. What proroguing does is allow the government to reset its agenda when it finally does come back to Parliament.
mikewjattoomanymornings said…
When you said bear with me, I was expecting something completely different.

I can't spell.
nonamedufus said…
If I had have said bare with me it really would have been NSFW.
MalisaHargrove said…
Okay, I'm going to be totally honest. I think you wienied out. I know you have some kinky photo of you and the missus out on the veranda. Give 'em up!
nonamedufus said…
No such photos exist. Now if you had have asked about a sex tape...
Cheryl said…
I hope your PM is denied. That's way too much power in the hands of one individual.

As for Malisa's comment and your reply, I don't want to see it but it warms my heart to know a tape exists. Just keep it away from your PM and it'll be safe.
nonamedufus said…
Nope the PM was successful in pushing back Parliament's return until mid-October.

Sadly, there's no tape. I only questioned if she had asked me about one.
Cheryl said…
We have our set of problems but that is simply incomprehensible to me.

Also, I'm shocked that your PM is able to wield that much power.
nonamedufus said…
So are many Canadians!

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