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30 Days of Photos IV - Day 12 - Tremor

Prior to researching today's prompt I thought tremor was like an earthquake and I thought there was a fat chance I'd get a picture of that. Even though where I live is on a fault and we've had mild earthquakes in the past I was sure one wouldn't occur in time for today.

But a tremor can also be something physical. Wikipedia explains it as an involuntary, somewhat rhythmic, muscle contraction involving different parts of the body - but mostly the hands.

Many things cause tremors, among them alcohol withdrawal and caffeine.

Well in my case it couldn't be the former so it must be the latte.

Zip over to Ziva's and see what's shaking respecting today's prompt.


babs (beetle) said…
That's a good tremor you had going on there. Get that coffee down you!
Debra She Who Seeks said…
Great concept photo . . . and a good pun!
Agent 54 said…
That is brilliant. The still cup with the shaking hand. Really good.
nonamedufus said…
I'm actually not a big coffee drinker, old bean.
nonamedufus said…
Brilliant? I wouldn't go that far. But you can. Thanks 54.
nonamedufus said…
There's a grain of truth in your comment, Deb.
nonamedufus said…
They don't call us #teamlame for nothing. Oh, wait. Maybe that's exactly why they call us #teamlame.
Ziva said…
...must be the latte. You're killing me, dufus! Great job. ;)
nonamedufus said…
Heh, heh. Your sensibilities aren't brew-sed?
ReformingGeek said…
Ha! You so funny! I'm shaking with laughter.

Nice job.
nonamedufus said…
Oh, I'm sure there'll be a cup-ple more before this challenge is done. Thanks, Ref.
MalisaHargrove said…
Oh, yeah, Mr. Innocent. Couldn't be the alcohol, could it? Right.
Paula Larew Wooters said…
Ooops... I got the pun... what I meant to say, "Couldn't be the former..." Damn... I ruined the whole effect of the comment. That's why I'm on #teamlame...
nonamedufus said…
Oh, okay. Truth be known there was no coffee in that cup. It was a little hair of the dog.
nonamedufus said…
Heaven's no. What are you trying to say?
Katherine Murray said…
Oh me me me coffee!!!! Yup! Good call!
nonamedufus said…
Are you singing or drinking coffee, Katherine?
Lauren said…
I could use a cup of jumping joe. I'm not wound up enough.
mike said…
Looks like me every morning, and again by 4pm.
Nora Blithe said…
What? You can't make the Earth Move Under [Your] Feet? Carol King can. I'm just saying.
Cheryl said…
OUCH! But, you salvaged your writing by posting a great hand tremor. If I could have surreptitiously photographed a friend's hand, I would have. She has tremors that she won't get checked by a doc. I want to drag her there myself.
nonamedufus said…
Caffeine is a fascinating drink isn't it. You need it to get going but the more you drink the harder it is to stop.
nonamedufus said…
Poor Mike. Alcohol might cure that.
nonamedufus said…
No, I went another route. I didn't want to step on the cat.
nonamedufus said…
That's unfortunate for your friend. I was merely fakin' it.
Jackal said…
Brilliant !
nonamedufus said…
Well I wouldn't go that far. But, hey, I'll let you. Thanks.
Cheryl said…
She's self-diagnosed it as age-related and is quite satisfied with that. Damn fool.
Cheryl P. said…
Always room for a pun.. What's with the Starbucks cup? Don't you Canadians always prefer Tim Hortons? Or do I have that wrong?
nonamedufus said…
The cup was a gift. But you're right. Tim Horton's coffee is great.
nonamedufus said…
Always best to run these things by a doctor. I speak from experience.

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