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30 Days of Photos IV - Day 23 - Tolstoy

Tolstoy? I thought maybe MikeWJ had just come back from the dentist and was trying to say Toy Story. That prompt I could have handled. You know Buzz and Woody? Yeah.

So Tolstoy, you can call him Leo, was this Russian writer best known for the epic novel War and Peace. I hear it's pretty good. A little on the long side but interesting nevertheless.

Among other things, Leo had a great beard.

But few people know how religious the man was. He was a devoted Christian and his religious leanings influenced such figures as Mahatma Gandhi.

Where am I going with all this?

To the Blessed St. Xenia of Petersburg Cathedral in West-end Ottawa, a Russian Orthodox Church.

Leo was Russian. This church is Russian.

And rumour has it the parish priest at St. Xenia has a great beard.

Don't you love it when things come together?

See what kind of tall story my friends in this challenge are telling over at Ziva's place.


babs (beetle) said…
Well, you can't get more 'Tolstoy' than that...Can you?
Debra She Who Seeks said…
Well played!
nonamedufus said…
It's the beard.
nonamedufus said…
Thank you ma'am.
ReformingGeek said…
Nice! But it would be even better if St. Xenia had a beard.

nonamedufus said…
Well she'd have to join the circus as the bearded lady because near as I can tell St. Xenia was a woman.
Katherine Murray said…
But is there a troll in the church? Ha ha!!! Yes, this came together perfectly. I love how your mind works!
meleahrebeccah said…
"Don't you love it when things come together?"

Yes. I do! And you did an AWESOME job with this one!
nonamedufus said…
Lots. But only on Sundays.
nonamedufus said…
Gee, thanks, Meleah. All it took was a drive out to the west end of the city. Leo would be proud.
nonamedufus said…
And so are you evidently!
Cheryl said…
Ahahahahaha! Nicely done!
mikewjattoomanymornings said…
That may be the farthest stretch yet for theme compliance. Well done, my friend. And you're right about Tolstoy's religious leanings. He was something of a fanatic, actually. A bearded fanatic.
mikewjattoomanymornings said…
Barely. Nevertheless, I'm referring to her as Saint X from now on.
Ziva said…
Haha, a bit of a stretch, my friend, but brilliantly stretched. ;) Nice work.
Paula Larew Wooters said…
He did have a seriously impressive beard! I bet he wasn't very good at puns, though.
mike said…
I hear the services are short there because they're rushin'. Oy.
nonamedufus said…
You mean mileage-wise? Yes I think so.
nonamedufus said…
A stretch? I think you mean synchroniciiy don't you?
nonamedufus said…
I don't know. He was before my time.
nonamedufus said…
Yeah, don't bock the exits.
nonamedufus said…
St ex-bearded?
Jay of The Depp Effect said…
Ahahahah! Very, very neat! Yep, that'll do nicely! I think we should have had a picture of the priest with his beard, though!
nonamedufus said…
I thought of it but didn't do it. That was a close shave for the priest, eh?
Nicky said…
Groan to both of you.
Nicky said…
"Leo was Russian. This church is Russian. And rumour has it the parish priest at St. Xenia has a great beard."

That connection makes perfect sense to me.
nonamedufus said…
But Leo had a great beard too. It's not that they each looked out into field at som point and saw their ma's cow. Now that would've been un underlying different connection.
Shawn Ohara said…
I am pleased that you are following a similar logic to mine in completing this challenge. I am not alone.
nonamedufus said…
You're drinking a lot more too?
Lauren said…
That is very interesting about Gandhi. I like how you tied it all together. Where's the vodka?
nonamedufus said…
Meleah was in charge of the vodka.
nonamedufus said…
You're just jealous.
Traci Shannon said…
You definitely brought that together well and I did not know that Tolstoy was religious. You learn something new...
nonamedufus said…
He was much more religious than I am, that's for sure.

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