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30 Days of Photos IV - Day 1 - Ice Cream

This is the freezer at the nearby WalMart. I don't shop there. I just use the store for photo challenges.

I learned from Wikipedia that as an ice cream-loving society, we're rather boring. The favourite flavours of ice cream are chocolate and vanilla.

I guess that's why my Mom always got mad at us as kids. She'd buy neapolitan ice cream and we'd never eat the strawberry flavoured one.

Ziva's coordinating the link thingy where you can drop by and see what the other poor souls are posting today.


Paula Larew Wooters said…
I was really hoping that was a photo of the inside of your freezer. Then you have to go spoil the whole thing by telling me it's from WalMart. And here I sit, Day 1 of this challenge with no ice cream in the house. *sigh* Guess a trip to the store is in order. As soon as I get dressed. And drink my coffee. And read all these posts. Maybe by later today I'll get my homage to Bob posted.
Ziva said…
I don't like chocolate ice cream... Strawberry, though, that's yummy.
Nora Blithe said…
Chocolate is my favorite. Why mess with a classic? I don't shop at WalMart either. Not even for ice cream.
Nicky said…
Hah! We had the same problem... a rectangle of strawberry ice cream would always be left in the back of the freezer getting freezer burnt. It drove my mom nuts. :-)
nonamedufus said…
I scream, you scream "Where the hell's your ice cream!"
nonamedufus said…
I'll keep that in mind, Ziva.
nonamedufus said…
You know, while I was in WalMart I kept thinking their security people wold see me on their cameras and come and ask me what the heck I thought I was doing taking pictures of ice cream. I was going to blame it on Ziva.
babs (beetle) said…
I also didn't like the strawberry flavour. Give me chocolate or vanilla any day.
nonamedufus said…
Ha, I'm glad I'm not alone. I hated that strip of strawberry.
Ziva said…
Oh yeah, sure, blame it on the Finn. I have my eye on you, Dufus.
nonamedufus said…
I wonder whoever thought of neapolitan ice cream? It's one of the stupidest - and most wasteful - food items I've ever seen.
babs (beetle) said…
You know, I was thinking the same thing. Did they not discover that most people wanted one or the other and not the strawberry? I seem to recall they did one with green ice cream for a time. I don't know what flavour it was supposed to be.
Nora Blithe said…
Good idea. If they know her reputation they'll leave you alone. It's the whip.
nonamedufus said…
I think the ice cream makers had a surplus of strawberry and said to themselves, "How are we going to get rid of this? Oh, I know, let's mix it in with everybody's favourites, vanilla and chocolate."
nonamedufus said…
I wanted to see if they'd spring for long distance fees to Finland.
nonamedufus said…
Well, that's a good start.
babs (beetle) said…
Ha ha! You're probably right ;)
Lauren said…
Did you say that your photo challenged? I think you did damn well in spite of it.
nonamedufus said…
No, I'm not photo-challenged. I'm neapolitan-challenged.
Cheryl said…
Ha! At first I thought this was picture of your freezer in your cellar next to your work bench. Be careful of abusing the store for photo ops. Can you imagine the embarrassment of being banned from a WalMart, of all places?

As the ice-cream scooper of the family, I ALWAYS made sure there wasn't any strawberry left when it came to dishing out the last bowl for myself.
Tami Von Zalez said…
Walmart as inspiration, that's brilliant.
nonamedufus said…
Actually, I use the pharmacy at WalMart. I think I'm the guy that keeps them in business.
nonamedufus said…
It's been awhile since somebody called me brilliant, Tami. Thank you.
meleahrebeccah said…
"This is the freezer at the nearby WalMart. I don't shop there. I just use the store for photo challenges."


I actually LOVE Walmart. Good stuff, cheap prices.

Well done, dufus!

And hooray for Team Lame!
nonamedufus said…
#TeamLame's off to a great start. Hell, Boom Boom didn't even post something. How lame is that! She should be our captain.
meleahrebeccah said…

That is sooooooofa king funny!
MalisaHargrove said…
$6.47 for ice cream??? That is outrageous! What you need in that freezer is some Blue Bell ice cream. Is that available in Canada?
mike said…
I was at our local Walmart yesterday and I was THIS close to taking a picture of the freezer myself, but there were too many people around clamouring for the vanilla. It was crazy.
nonamedufus said…
Oh, she's posted now. But she could still be captain.
nonamedufus said…
Apparently it's only available in 22 states...and not Canada.
nonamedufus said…
Oh, yeah. We Canadians are crazy when it comes to our ice cream. Growing up my favourite used to be butterscotch. But my mother kept buying that damn neapolitan.
Janine Kain said…
Oh decisions, decisions !
ReformingGeek said…
I don't recognize any of those brands. Are you sure it's ice cream?

Kidding. Kidding. Salted Caremel Gelato, please.
nonamedufus said…
I didn't recognize these brands either. I had to take my picture quickly before the WalMart police came after me. We usually get Bryers.
Cheryl P. said…
It is interesting to see all the brands that are different from my area. I wouldn't even know what to buy. You are the second person to mention not liking strawberry. OH, if I was closer, I would volunteer to take the uneaten strawberry flavor that no one wants. That's my favorite.
nonamedufus said…
I'll start saving it for you, Cheryl.
Traci Shannon said…
Well, if you were going to shop there, that looks like the yummiest place to start.
Happy Day 1!
nonamedufus said…
I can't think of a yummier place, Traci. You're absolutely right.
mikewjattoomanymornings said…
So I assume they sell French Vanilla there, right?
mikewjattoomanymornings said…
Blue Bell's full of cheap ingredients and artificial crap. Go Haagan-Daz.
nonamedufus said…
Absolument, mon ami!
Katherine Murray said…
I want THAT one and THAT one and THAT one......!!!!
nonamedufus said…
Easy, easy, let me get a pen and a paper.
Shawn Ohara said…
My favourite flavour is Chocolate Nipple.

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