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Pause Ponder and Pleasure Pillows

I'm not sure why but this woman has her headlights on in the middle of the day! Isn't that udderly ridiculous?

Some of you thought so. And others had their own ideas this week...

We had a lot of submissions this week, so it was doubly difficult to narrow things down. Thanks to everyone for playing along.

Okay, let's see who made it into the runners-up column...

I'm not saying this heifer is a lesbian. I just HERD she wasn't going to attend Chick-Fil-A's customer appreciation day!

The real reason California cows are so happy? They get a good chuckle whenever a long-haired hippie flashes his manboobs.

Karen quickly found out the local La Leche League was chock full of boring heifers.

Nice teets.
There, I said it.

And our winner this week milked his submission for all it was worth...

Dude. Gross. She only has two.

Way to go moooooog! You - and your manboobs - be hangin' with dufus this week. Just like old times, eh? Well, except for the manboobs part. What say we head on down to Pep Boys this weekend and get our high beams cleaned. Nobody likes dirty headlamps now do they? We should nip this in the bud.

Now that you've checked out our results this week be sure and click through on the links above. There are some pretty talented bloggers participating in our little contest and I'm sure they'd love it if you dropped by their blogs and left them a comment or two.

Thanks to all for your great submissions this week. Until next time...


Boom Boom Larew said…
Moooooog's caption is by far the best this week! Love it!
nonamedufus said…
Yeah, it was pretty funny!

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