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Pause Ponder and Pun

I've heard of one for the road but this is ridiculous.

What about you?

Got a caption?

Leave as many as you like in the comments and come Saturday we'll see who emerges with the funniest description.

Join the growing number of that select group of folks who can say, "I Be Hangin' With Nonamedufus!"


PH said…
Children's TV was never quite the same once Barry Chuckle hit the sauce.
Moooooog35 said…
Luckily for us, this picture was taken from the front - otherwise we'd see where Jimmy put the other bottle of wine he was carrying.
Donnie said…
Dammit Moooooog! A bottle up the butt was my line!
Anonymous said…
When I take these back for the deposit, maybe I'll have enough to finally get a bell for my bicycle. - G
renalfailure said…
Sponsor of the new DrinkStrong bracelet.
00dozo said…
Seamus wasn't sure what the second "B" in "BYOB" meant, so he brought the booze AND the bike.
00dozo said…
Seamus misunderstood the word, "re-cycling" and thought the bottles would refill themselves.
Anonymous said…
No caption today, cuz I will hang out with you all I want! And you can't stop me! *grin* of those bottles looks like DDP! And if all those bottles were DDP?

Then there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with this picture.

hee hee
Tgoette said…
Hearts raced with glee every time the whiskey man would ride through the village, selling his bottles of liquid joy to the young Irish lads.
Jen said…
I suck at captions, just go to Me Me's blog and you will see how badly I suck at these.

I got nothing.
Dufus returns from his hiatus... and we're given a clue as to what he's been up to for the past several weeks.
And I believe Quirky's right... that one does look suspiciously like a Dr Pepper bottle.

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