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Over at Theme Thursday this week's topic is "wrinkle". As I surfed around looking for something I might write about I stumbled across a song on You Tube called "Wrinkle" by - wonder of wonders - a group called dufus!

The group is the brainchild of Seth Faergolzia and has been kicking around since 1997, based out of New York. Other than Seth, who sometimes tours as a solo act, the group has a revolving door of members. The band's website can be found here.

Imagine me, nonamedufus, only now discovering the existence of this band. And they're pretty cool, as this video demonstrates.  Wrinkle is from the 2004 dufus CD Ball of Design.

Enjoy fellow Theme Thursdayers!  Oh and don't forget to drop by Theme Thursday to see how other bloggers have covered off this week's theme.


Brian Miller said…
nice. love the artsy video for the song...hope you have a wrinkle worthy day! and happy tt!
Donnie said…
I can see the '67 Beatles doing this same video. The song and the graphics all look and sound Beatlesque to me. Now if dufus would work on those voices they may be onto something.
nonamedufus said…
Brian: Cool, eh?
nonamedufus said…
Don: Yeah it's kinda Beatlesque. Reminds me more of The Barenaked Ladies.
00dozo said…
A silly little song, but it fits TT perfectly for you! Yep, it also reminded me the Barenaked Ladies, but not as good.

Ha! Co-incidentally, the "131" on the birthday cake in the video is significant to me as it was the number I had to guess to win a bike. It was the first thing I ever one.
Anonymous said…
Gah these dufuses are right up my alley: I, too, feel like burning my eyes.

hee hee

I think you should become their manager. And when you make it big time? Don't forget your friends with burned eyes (and wrinkles)! hee hee
nonamedufus said…
00dozo: You won a bike? Congratulations! Did you have to guess the number of jelly beans in a jar?
nonamedufus said…
Quirks: Didn't your mother ever tell you not to look directly at the sun? Gah!
00dozo said…
It was a radio call-in contest and I had to guess a number between 130 and 140. I waited up until 2 a.m. to get my chance. It was a 10-speed and was worth the lack of sleep.
nonamedufus said…
Me-Me: I thought so, yeah.
Roy said…
Ha ha! That makes three of us now who stumbled across Dufus and the "Wrinkle" video for Theme Thursday. I wonder if we can talk Seth into paying us as his PR department?
Crazy small world... back in 2004, my band opened for dufus at the Millcreek Tavern in Philadelphia, PA.

Judging from dufus' extensive forthcoming European tour dates, they've enjoyed more success since.
nonamedufus said…
Roy: They say imitation is the highest form of flattery!
nonamedufus said…
Jeremy: No kidding? That's really cool.
Leeuna said…
What are the odds of that ever happening? That is so cool. Oh and the band didn't even suck... Great Theme Thursday post. :)
nonamedufus said…
Leeuna: Yeah, unlike my blog, eh? ;)
kathcom said…
What a coinkydink! I was expecting some crazy metal from the first photo and the weird monster art. But Dufus' folky sound made me want to drive a screwdriver into my eardrums to stop hearing it. Okay, so I just turned it off. What's wrong with being a little melodramatic?
nonamedufus said…
kathcom: Long time no see. Hey, waddaya want? I couldn't resist seeing as they had the same name as me!
Nicky said…
Truly a case of great minds thinking alike :-)
nonamedufus said…
Nicky: Boy I've sure got you fooled!
nonamedufus said…
CL: Yeah, it is, isn't it?
kathcom said…
I didn't mean to discount your amazing find...but you are the best and only Dufus I love!
nonamedufus said…
kathcom: Aw, flattery will get you everywhere!
PattiKen said…
I think Dufus has gotten a lot of air time out of TT. All of you who linked it should be getting a commission, I think.

I enjoyed reading the comments too.
nonamedufus said…
PattiKen: Ha, ha, I certainly wouldn't say no!
Cheryl said…
This is the second Dufus I've run across. Maybe they'll reach an all-time peak in popularity!
nonamedufus said…
Cheryl: I think 3 of us used this video. The group may wonder why there's a spike in people visiting their website!
Quirkyloon said…
Gah these dufuses are right up my alley: I, too, feel like burning my eyes.

hee hee

I think you should become their manager. And when you make it big time? Don't forget your friends with burned eyes (and wrinkles)! hee hee

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