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Pause Ponder and Plow

Ha, ha, I love playing around with the title of this post every week.  Anywho, down to business.  My brow was furrowed because we had some great submissions this week.

For example, Moooooog was outstanding in his field with...

It never ceases to amaze me what you can buy at Walmart

Don from Beyond Left Field cropped up with...

Hey dear!?  Get off my Deer!  It's going flat!

And Malisa's corny response got me chuckling with...

Billy Bob really knows how to haul ass!

Special mention goes to Skye for having a comment as big as a barn door...

Now that thar is mai brotha Bubba, and hiz wiyfe (mai Sista) Charlene.  You see that cow's head on the front of the John Deer tracta cum trike?  Well Bubba dun did wrestle that critter to the ground and strangled him dead with his bare hands!  Now that thar cow scull is one fancy trophy, so you be mindin' your p's and q's in regards as to what you say, hear?

But it was Leeuna over at My Mind Wandered...and never came back who planted the winner.  I think she could sell this to the tractor manufacturer as their next marketing motto...

  "Nothing fits her rear like a John Deere."

Congrats, Leeuna, you be hangin' with the dufus!  I'll warm up the tractor and pick you up at 8!

And congrats to everyone else for their high standard of captioning.  I look forward to seeing everyone again next Wednesday for another edition of Pause, Ponder and Pun


00dozo said…'s quiet in here today... almost too quiet.

Good choice, dufus! I liked that one too! Congrats to Leeuna.
nonamedufus said…
00dozo: It's very quiet, isn't it. Yeah, Leena's submission had me chuckling.
Donnie said…
Perfect caption for the picture! How true, how true? Congratulations to you Leeuna for that.
nonamedufus said…
Don: Lots of good captions this week but I didn't laugh out loud till (get it? - till - till the soil - ah, ha, ha, ha) I read Leeuna's.
Malisa said…
I think everyone is out celebrating the three day weekend except those of us with no lives! :) Congratulations, Leeuna!
Ziva said…
Perfect choice, dufus! And congrats to Leeuna! Next week I'm going to have to make sure to check in and participate.
nonamedufus said…
Malisa: Or those of us that don't live in the States...and have no lives!
nonamedufus said…
Ziva: Ya gotta be in it to win it!
K A B L O O E Y said…
She nailed it; good job, Leeuna, and good pick, dufus.
nonamedufus said…
Kablooey: Yeah, it certainly worked for me. Glad you agree.
Tgoette said…
Well done, Leeuna! That was priceless! Good choice dufus!
nonamedufus said…
Tgoette: Right on, my friend.

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