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Sunday Funnies


Anonymous said…
Hahaha. Good ones! As usual you know how to pick'em!

Actually the BP weren't haha funny, but sarcastic and sad hahas.

Gah. What a mess!
nonamedufus said…
Quirks: What a mess indeed. Those guys should be strung up by their you know whats. It'll take years to clean up the environmental effects.
00dozo said…
Funny funnies. The gov't here is prepared to sue BP should it effect the fishing industry, such as it is.

Happy May 24!
nonamedufus said…
00dozo: I hope they sue their asses off!
LOL on privacy. BLEH to BP... not such a laughing matter.
nonamedufus said…
CL: Yeah, what's happening to our society? Facebook's privacy policy amounts to nothing being private. And BP has come to stand for Big Problem. I tell ya the world's going to hell in a hand basket. (My mom used to say that.)
Donnie said…
Gulf Sunrise, gulf unfortunately true. I don't believe I would want to operate BP service stations in these parts for about the next couple of decades. Business is sure to fall off.
nonamedufus said…
Don: I really feel for you guys near the coast. It's such a sad, unfortunate situation. The spill will affect everything from the fishery to tourism for years and years to come.

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