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30 Days of Photos - #26 - My Toothbrush

Welcome to 30 Days of Photos, where 18 bloggers are participating in posting a photo a day for 30 days. Here are the other 17 you can visit after you've been here:

I don't know who the hell chose the themes for this little exercise but today's is one of those themes that really left me scratching my head. I mean who the heck wants to see a picture of my toothbrush?

Well, here's a bonus for you guys. Here's a picture of my toothbrush and my wife's. I know. Pretty risque, eh? A photo of two toothbrushes co-habitating in a cup with a tube of toothpaste.

I may have started an internet phenomenon. 

It could go viral.

Two toothbrushes, one cup.


Cadeaux said…
Had I taken the photo, I would have put some Preparation H next to the toothpaste - only I would have left the cap off.

Too icky? I mean, c'mon, it woulda been funny.
Ziva said…
I'm trying really, really hard not to be incredibly grossed out by your two toothbrushes, one cup comment, and it's not working. They're pretty, though, your toothbrushes. In the cup.
You crazy Canadians, eh? I tell you. :)
laughing mom said…
You are a groundbreaker, aren't you? I'm not sure if I should be ashamed of you or not...
nonamedufus said…
You saying I have gummaroids?
nonamedufus said…
I don't know. I looked at this photo and that 2 brushes one cup thing screamed out at me. I'm almost glad we went with toothbrushes today.
nonamedufus said…
Tell me what? We have to brush our teeth just lie anybody else.
nonamedufus said…
It's okay. Those toothbrushes actually are in a platonic relationship. Although they're into oral hygiene.
Cheryl said…
No way I was posting a shot of our toothbrushes together.

I'm waiting for tomorrow to go down that road.
nonamedufus said…
Oh, I bristle at the thought of that!
Liz A. said…
Is there a really disgusting sexual involving a cup reference in this post somewhere?

I like your counter tops.
nonamedufus said…
Naw, I'd never make a reference to something like that. I don't even know what you're talking about.Glad you like the counter!
Quirky Loon said…
Ohhhh. I see. You two brush up against each other than... sparks. *wags eyebrows*

Wow. You shared a LOT with us today Dufus.

heh heh
nonamedufus said…
Ha, ha. Good one, Quirks. Sometimes we even swap spit. I know. I know. That's why we have toothbrushes.
Linda Medrano said…
There is a slightly risque feel to this photo. I think I'm seeing something I really should be. But I'm glad you shared.
MalisaHargrove said…
Let me guess. You use hard bristles and she uses soft. Hope a medium bristle never comes along.
00dozo said…
Hmmm ... makes me wonder what those toothbrushes do with that toothpaste while they are left alone. ;-)
nonamedufus said…
You caught that they were facing the same way, didn't you? They're just practicing for those hard to reach places.
nonamedufus said…
We're way past having a little bristle.
nonamedufus said…
Oh they don't do anything with the toothpaste until it's time. They wouldn't want to gum things up, would they?
Ha ha, I seriously thought about involving a (dish) scrubbing brush, but didn't. I kinda expected that you might, but you didn't.
mikewjattoomanymornings said…
* I will not look up that video. I will not look up that video. I will not look up that video. I will not look up that video. I will not look up that video. I will not look up that video. I will not look up that video. I will not look up that video. I will not look up that video. I will not look up that video. I will not look up that video. I will not look up that video. I will not look up that video. I will not look up that video. I will not look up that video. *
nonamedufus said…
No, that theme would have been scrubbing brush. This theme was toothbrush. And my teeth aren't THAT big, Mo. But maybe your beaver could use one?
nonamedufus said…
I think you've got me convinced, Mike.
My beaver? The beaver is hardly mine, he just occasionally crops up in my house and, incidentally, my photos.
nonamedufus said…
Oh, so now you're disowning the beaver?
Nora Blithe said…
I'm finding it difficult to comment on everyone's toothbrush. Wish I had something clever or pithy to say but I've got nothing.
nonamedufus said…
Cat got your tongue, Nora?
Nora Blithe said…
Lol! That was a good one.


-----Original message-----
Nicky said…
Why, Dufus? Why would you do that?
nonamedufus said…
I liked it. But in your case the cat has your toothbrush!
nonamedufus said…
I'm just enameled with the idea. (Okay that was pretty bad and not really close to enamored was it.)
Nora Blithe said…
Nope. He has my old, tuna covered toothbrush. My shiny new one is safe in the bathroom! I love my cats but I’m not sharing a toothbrush with them.
You shoulda saved this pic for the NUDE day!
nonamedufus said…
Tuna covered? So that's how you did it!
nonamedufus said…
But I still would have had to come up with a toothbrush pic. I think I have "nude" figured out. Wait for it. You'll love it
Nora Blithe said…
I keep telling everyone that he'll do anything for food. Anything!

-----Original message-----

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