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30 Days of Photos - #20 - Bird

Welcome to 30 Days of Photos, where... whoa, whoa, whoa, you really want me to go through all of this again? Yeah? Okay. 18 bloggers are participating in posting a photo a day for 30 days. Here are the other 17 you can visit after you've been here:

This is a cockatoo, parrot, bird thingy. He lives in the zoo at El Valle in Panama. He says "Hola" a lot.

I think he thought I was going to give him food. He poked his head through the fence. He must have been disappointed. I only took his picture.  


Cheryl said…
You've outdone yourself on this one. Damn! This is funny.
Ziva said…
Doesn't he know you're never supposed to stick your head trough a fence? He's probably still stuck like that.
nonamedufus said…
I was amazed that he poked his head through the fence. I gather lots of zoo visitors feed him. But not me.
nonamedufus said…
I guess he didn't know that. He was the most animated bird at that zoo. He may well have been disappointed that we didn't feed him.
Quirky Loon said…
This is funny! And I thought birds had a brain the size of a pea! Howd' he know to do that? hee hee
MalisaHargrove said…
Dufus, why didn't you feed the bird? You could have spared one of your Cheetos or something. Hell, give him a nickel to eat. I know you couldn't give him a penny because they are all in a mason jar. Wonderful photo though. I can just hear that bird making those disgusting bird noises.
nonamedufus said…
Brains the size of a pea, maybe. But their heads are larger.
nonamedufus said…
This bird didn't make disgusting bird noises oddly enough. It just kept screeching "hola, hola". Friendly, huh?
I've just read reports of a cockatoo being stuck in a fence. I rang up and let them know who caused this.
nonamedufus said…
Damn, Mo, I thought we were friends.
We were friends until your obscene cruelty towards birds was revealed.
laughing mom said…
When they come at that bird with a stick of butter to free his head, he'll think that he's on the menu!
Cheryl P. said…
Nice picture, Dufus. As birds go, he looks pretty cute and the fact he can say "hola" makes him even cuter.
mikewjattoomanymornings said…
He wasn't hoping to get food from you, NoName. He was trying to peck out your eyes. Because that's what birds do. They peck out your eyes.

Hey, how come everybody call you Dufus, but I call you NoName? I kind of like NoName better, and believe people ought to make the switch. Just a thought.
mikewjattoomanymornings said…
It's not funny. NoName almost got his eyes pecked out. Because that's what birds do. They peck your eyes out.
mikewjattoomanymornings said…
In NoName's defense, this bird was about to peck his eyes out. Because that's what birds do. They peck your eyes out.
Linda Medrano said…
That is a marvelous photo! I like birds. I used to have a pair of Cockatiels. The talked some, but mainly they mimicked the baby crying. That was disconcerting. My husband used to let them fly around the house and they scared the hell out of me. They are big! I'm afraid of most flying and crawling things. But I still like them.
Keith Fowler said…
At least he doesn't swear. Although I've always wanted a parrot that'd make the pope blush.
Dr Max Tunguska said…
At least he doesn't swear. Although I've always wanted a parrot that'd make the pope blush.
Mike said…
Nice parrot. In Panama, does Polly want a cracker or a taco?
nonamedufus said…
Are you kidding me? That bird'll probably eat the stick of butter.
nonamedufus said…
Well he could say "hello" but not "hey, how about some bird seed". I don't think that's cute in my book.
nonamedufus said…
You're just more familiar, Mike. Noname is my first name. (That doesn't sound like it makes a lot of sense. (I'm writing this with my hands over my eyes.)
nonamedufus said…
I remember having a parakeet that I'd let out of the cage. It'd poop all over the place and never go back into its cage. Stupid bird. If that's a parakeet I'd hate to see a oneakeet.
nonamedufus said…
He may have sworn after I didn't feed him, but if so it must have been under his breath.
nonamedufus said…
Max, are you related in any way to Keith?
meleahrebeccah said…
I LOVE cockatoos! They are HILARIOUS birds! Awesome photo!!
nonamedufus said…
In Panama Polly wants a patacone pita...pretty please
nonamedufus said…
All I did was take his picture. He's still living the life of a King back at the Panama zoo.
00dozo said…
So that's what became of "Fred" (Beretta's bird). I hear parrots can live a really long life.


Fun shot, too.

nonamedufus said…
It's okay Mike, I was wearing sunglasses. But thanks for looking out for me.
nonamedufus said…
You know an awful lot about birds, Mike. Or else very little.
nonamedufus said…
This one was pretty funny, Meleah.
nonamedufus said…
Yeah, Fred fared far better than Robert Blake, that's for sure.
meleahrebeccah said…
They are awesome birds.
They say some crazy shit too.

I love them.

If I was allowed to have a pet in my house, I would TOTALLY get one.
nonamedufus said…
Then what the heck was that thing you were wearing in your hair today?
meleahrebeccah said…
As I've stated in the comments of my own blog....

It's my friend, Tiffany's, bird. Clementine.
And she is the sweetest little creature.

I don't own a cat OR a bird.
The cat photo I posted belongs to my friend Jennifer.
[Also previously mentioned!]

nonamedufus said…
I was by too early...before you shared the info it was your friend's bird. It seems to like your head, though. That's nice.
Mike isn't looking out for you, he wants to peck your eyes out. Because that's what, um, wait, wires crossed I think.
frankleemeidere said…
Since today's theme is "bird" I'm checking each of my regular reading blogs to see if there's a photo of Charlie Parker. No luck yet.
nonamedufus said…
Good one, Frank. Careful, thigh, he may poke your eye out. Or so I'm told.
nonamedufus said…
You know he does seem kinda preoccupied with poking eyes out doesn't he?
Keith Fowler said…
I had finger trouble with logging in to make a comment. I'm an idiot.
Keith Fowler said…
Still am.
Nicky said…
I really, really like this picture, Dufus. He looks like he's being strangled in the fence. :-)
nonamedufus said…
Don't be so hard on yourself, you fool.
nonamedufus said…
Okay. Are you taking your meds?
nonamedufus said…
Thanks, Nicky. Too bad it wasn't one of Nora's cats, eh?
jc collins said…
Perhaps Mr Slater's parrot, then:
Nora Blithe said…
That's just mean.
nonamedufus said…
Oh, Nora, I thought you were at the writer's workshop?

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