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30 Days of Photos - #24 - Crowd

Welcome to 30 Days of Photos, where 18 bloggers are participating in posting a photo a day for 30 days. Here are the other 17 you can visit after you've been here:

I took a bit of a different take on today's theme. I don't get out much and when I do I never really encounter a crowd. So how the heck will I take a picture of one? 

So for today's pic I went to my music collection and pulled out a couple of my Crowded House CDs. Do you know them?

Crowded House is an Australian band that started out as Split Enz in the 70s, the brainchild of Neil Finn who hailed from New Zealand. They were most popular in the decade beginning in the mid 80s. Brother Tim also played in the group.

One of my favourite Crowded House songs is Don't Dream It's Over.

Neil and his brother Tim, who performed with both Split Enz and on and off with Crowded House, put out several CDs together as The Finn Brothers and Neil released several solo projects as well. In the 2000s, songwriter Neil pulled together a musical outfit that donated their profits to charity. The group was called 7 Worlds Collide, named after the lyric from one of their Crowded House songs. They released 2 CDs based on live performances which included folks such as Tim Finn, Eddie Vedder, Johnny Marr, and Jeff Tweedy.

So check these guys out on You Tube. Who knows, maybe a crowd will beat a path to their door.


Cheryl said…
I'd completely forgotten who did this song. Nice one Dufus.

The perspective you shot from shows your pretty crowded musical library. A double-shot of crowds. Well played.
nonamedufus said…
That was the intent. Glad you picked up on it. I think I have enough vinyl and CDs to keep a small radio station going for a decade!
Tabatha said…
Check out the two most recent albums from Crowded House too, 2007's Time On Earth and 2010's Intriguer, both fantastic albums as is Neil's latest project Pajama Club (self titled cd)
nonamedufus said…
Oh, I've got the Crowded House CDs. You can bet, though, I'll check out Pajama Club. Thanks for the recommendation!
Cheryl said…
There's a radio station up Maine way that may have a few more than you (including tapes and 8 tracks). Right now they're doing their annual A-Z of rock. Usually takes about 5 or 6 weeks to complete. I think you'd love it to pieces.
Tabatha said…
Great stuff,I was lucky enough to be at the 'road test' concerts for Intriguer back in 2008 :0)

Favourite tracks from Pajama Club are Tell Me What You Want (which is on you tube too) TNT For Two (video due out soon) Dead Leg and Daylight :0)
Ziva said…
I love your take on today's theme, both the photo with all that music, and the song, which is just lovely. :)
I didn't realize that they started as the Split Enz...always learning something at your blog.
Liz A. said…
That's crazy on a variety of levels. But cool. Tres cool.
Cheryl P. said…
Very creative entry. I recognize the music but didn't recognize the name of the group. I am horrible at knowing what groups are attached to what songs.
nonamedufus said…
I'd love to see them live. Followed them for years. I think Pajama Club will be my next iTunes purchase.I'm glad you recommended it.
nonamedufus said…
Stick with me Bryan. It's surprising what you'll learn here.
nonamedufus said…
Well, that's how I roll. Or, spin, I guess.
nonamedufus said…
Oh, yeah, I love that song. One of my favourites of theirs. I'm glad you enjoyed today's approach. So far I've done well to avoid that whip of yours.
nonamedufus said…
Thanks, Cheryl. I'd already done books for the "42" theme, another of my passions. I'm glad there's a group called Crowded House to fit today's theme.
nonamedufus said…
Was never into 8 tracks. Had a decent cassette collection I lost to my first wife. You're absolutely right, I'd be into that radio station. Right now I'm into the internet station TuneIn Radio IO's 70s Rock. I have it as an app on my iPhone and iPad. Cool.
laughing mom said…
You have quite a music collection!! I remember that song well, may even have it in one of our digital collections of music. Nice take on the theme!
Quirky Loon said…
Hey now, hey now... that's a lot of CDs!


Nice Dufus. Nice.
nonamedufus said…
And digitial's where I'm getting my music now. Alas it's largely invisible, except to me. My wife's kinda happy about that. She'd have me digitize my vinyl and CDs. I don't think I'd live long enough.
nonamedufus said…
Yep. I always have something to listen to. That's for sure. Sometimes I have artist days. I'll slap 5 CDs of the Rolling Stones, say, on the CD player and rock out. My wife's least favourite are Bob Dylan or Neil Young days. I, on the other hand, like those ones the best.
meleahrebeccah said…
Much like you, I don't get out very often, and when I do, I tend to AVOID all things crowded.

I've never heard of the music by Crowded House - thanks for introducing me to them!
nonamedufus said…
Yeah, other than visits to the hospital, drug store and doctors. Ha, ha. Although I get out to play golf as much as I can. But there aren't any crowds when I play. Check them out on You Tube. I think you'd like them.
meleahrebeccah said…
Oh hell yes, I will.

Golf is my FAVORITE!
mikewjattoomanymornings said…
I know exactly where I was and who I was with when Don't Dream It's Over came out. And no, it wasn't a girl. It was a male co-worker and friend, and he was so excited about the song he called me out to his car to listen to it on the radio. I don't know where he is now, but I still like song.

Interesting take on today's theme, NoName. And your collection is very old-school. I transferred everything over to my computer a few years back, and recently started selling off my CDs.
Ziva said…
Tell me, you're considering breaking the rules, just a little, to see if my whip is everything you think it is, aren't you? ;)
Linda Medrano said…
I'd hardly call this old school! Shoot, I have a big collection of vinyl records, 45's, 78's and 33 rpm albums. I have the original "Sticky Fingers" by the Rolling Stones with the zipper label on the front. I think I'll bury them with me. I like your take on this theme and the photo too!
nonamedufus said…
Me too. I've only been at it for a year and-a-half but I love it.
nonamedufus said…
It has crossed my mind more than once.
nonamedufus said…
Oh, if I did that I'd be filthy rich. But it would take so damn long to do the transfer. I have a considerable digital collection too. A friend gave me a stand alone memory gizmo with another 2,000 albums on it which is now on my computer.
I love Crowded House, not that I listen to them much, I've got far better things to do like photograph small furry animals, but it was nice to be reminded of the cover (I don't have the CD any more). Plus, your epic collection of CDs in the background could be quickly demolished by my baby son. Want to see how quick he can pull them down?
nonamedufus said…
I have a decent 33 rpm collection. But I threw out all my 45s when I was younger for some misguided reason. I also inherited my parents 78 collection. I don't remember what happened to them. But I do remember it broke my heart when I accidentally broke my favourite 78 "The Singing Dogs". Yeah, that Sticky Fingers album cover was special wasn't it? People think that crotch is Jagger but it isn't. The story can be found here...
nonamedufus said…
Long ago, when my first born was less than one he woke up early one Saturday morning as his mother and I slept-in, blissfully unaware of what he was up to. He'd gone into the den of our apartment with his Fisher Price Record player (it played plastic records like a music box) and proceed to pull out all my LPs from their covers in an attempt to play them. I've been replacing those badly scratched LPs on vinyl and CD ever since!
I hope you gave him a decent punishment. Like no chocolate for seventeen years or something.

Actually, I did play Fall at Your Feet to the little chap a while back, it was just on a playlist of beaty favourites, and he did bob with the bass. I think he'll be a bassist one day. Or a demolition expert.
Cheryl said…
I remember 8 tracks but I never owned any; my parents did. I went straight from vinyl singles to LP. I was surprised when the co-hosts mentioned 8 tracks when they kicked off the A-Z marathon. Then again, they could have been joking.
nonamedufus said…
All my kids enjoy music. I think they get it from me. I just wish they liked the same music I do.
nonamedufus said…
I remember listening to "Chicken Shack" by The Ozark Mountain Daredevils on 8 track at a friends many, many years ago. I thought it was very strange. He was a trucker and played his 8 tracks on the road.
Linda Medrano said…
I knew that wasn't Mick's crotch. (He's only about 5'2" in person.) But I didn't know whose it was. Hmm.
meleahrebeccah said…
I've been playing since I was SEVEN. And I will NEVER get tired of it.
nonamedufus said…
You must be really good. I'm jealous. I've just managed to break 100.
nonamedufus said…
Apparently Mick's quite angry with Keith for saying he has a "tiny todger".
Linda Medrano said…
Keith is quite correct.
nonamedufus said…
I'm not even going to ask.
Linda Medrano said…
Oh Dufus, it was really no big deal.
nonamedufus said…
Yeah, we've already agreed upon that.
00dozo said…
Alright you two, zip it already.

00dozo said…
Oh, I love Crowded House and that was probably my favourite song of theirs, too. I'm really amazed at your knowledge of (mostly?) everything musical and literary. Great take on the theme, though.

But, holy cow! Between your book and music collections (which is what I thought - at first glance - was supposed to be the subject of your "crowded" photo), where do you find the time?
Nicky said…
Wow, talk about great minds, Dufus. I thought of Crowded House when I saw this theme too. And, oddly enough, when I was driving back from TO on Sunday, I heard "I Got You" on the radio. I think that's probably my favourite of theirs (although they were Split Enz at the time) and I hadn't heard it in at least 20 years.
Mike said…
Great choice for the theme, Dufus. I haven't listened to them much in a long, long time, but I haven't forgotten how talented the Finns were/are. They made some great music.
nonamedufus said…
Time? I have nothing but time. And I'm spending far too much of it on the computer. I think I need an intervention.
nonamedufus said…
Wow that's freaky. Not the great minds part, that's a given. The part about listening to Split Enz. That's when I was writing up this post.
nonamedufus said…
It wasn't my first thought. I tried to think of where I could find a crowd to photograph. I didn't have any jelly beans so I finally went with this. love them. you should check out the 7 Worlds Collide stuff on You Tube. it's good stuff.
nonamedufus said…
Hey don't be so crotch-ety.
Shawn said…
I preferred Split Enz but enjoyed Crowded House. Don't Dream It's Over is a terrific song. One of my favourites is Tim Finn's self-titled solo album. And specifically the song Young Mountain.
nonamedufus said…
Well I don't think it's too bad for having only played for 18 months.
nonamedufus said…
Both Neil and Tim have been quite prolific. I'v enjoyed following - and listening - to the progression of their careers.
Nora Blithe said…
I don't know this particular band. Maybe I'll check them out on this fancy new internet thing. I do, however, love how much you talk about music. I'm a music junky. It's true. I appreciate seeing my own obsession in others. You must be an awesome person.
nonamedufus said…
Oh, I enjoy my music. And my tastes are quite eclectic. But one genre I'm not into is rap.
Nora Blithe said…
Me either! I'm a classic rock/alternative girl. My all time favorite is Paul Simon because I love his lyrics. Vocals go to Mark Lanegan and music that rocks my face off is anything by James Hall.


-----Original message-----

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