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30 Days of Photos - #11 - Wheels

Hey it's Wednesday and time for Pause Ponder and Pun. You can find our latest pictorial punfest over at dufus daze today while we continue here with 30 Days of Pain Photos.

So, welcome once more to 30 Days of Photos, where 18 self-flagelists bloggers are participating in posting a photo a day for 30 days. Here are the other 17 you can visit after you've been here:

I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round
I really love to watch them roll
No longer riding on the merry-go-round
I just had to let it go
(John Lennon)

I gave this bike to my wife for her 50th birthday not too long ago. 

It's one of those retro bicycles made by Electra. Kinda cool. 

Oops, I just realized that now you have some idea of her age, eh? 

Sorry I mis-spoke honey.


Cadeaux said…
Well, tell her to get her butt in gear and take it around the's not going to do much good sitting there like that. Does she like it?
nonamedufus said…
She loves it! A lot, wheely.
Nicky said…
I have a retro bike too. Well, not so much retro as just really old. I love the angle of this picture, Dufus.
laughing mom said…
Cool photo - I like the tread up in the corner! Mrs. Dufus is a lucky lady.
Nora Blithe said…
You should fix that typo about your wife's age. We know you meant 20 and it's nice that you would give her a bike for her birthday. Brian once gave me a bike for mine and I love it!
Cheryl P. said…
I love those retro bikes. My bike has 18 gears and I know how to use 1.

I think 50 and the numbers very near it sound good. It is the numbers that are nearing 60 that freak me out.
Ziva said…
Ohh, I love bikes! You don't suppose I can borrow it? Mine isn't feeling very well...
nonamedufus said…
Yeah, wheely. I wouldn't give you the gears, Nora.
nonamedufus said…
Can you ride that old bike with those heels of yours?
nonamedufus said…
I'm gonna print this comment out and give it to her. That's what I keep telling her, too.
nonamedufus said…
Oh, believe me, if you saw her you'd think she was in her twenties. (How was that, hon?)
nonamedufus said…
Considering my 60th is fast approaching, I couldn't agree with you more.
nonamedufus said…
Why, is your bike tire-d? Feeling a little flat, maybe?
Quirky Loon said…
Mis-SPOKE? It took two readings to get it.

I think I need another DDP!

heh heh
nonamedufus said…
Two readings to get it? You're slipping Quirks. Get a grip. (Bicycle grip...get it?)
Linda Medrano said…
Sweet! And a nice photo too!
Mike said…
I got a thing for bikes. Your photo *spoke* to me.
You're not going to be a wheel someday. You already are. :)
Mikewj said…
Revealed your wife's age, huh? Well, I guess you'll be spending some time on the wheel today. Maybe the rack, too.
Nora Blithe said…
Not as good as your last one.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

-----Original message-----
meleahrebeccah said…
Love that photo AND that John Lennon song!
00dozo said…
Dang! I knew I should've gone with the lyrics for, "They're Coming To Take Me Away" in my post for today, but to be technical, "they" haven't reached - yet. I'm desperately trying to remember that Lennon song but Malisa's, "The wheels on the bus ..." has earwormed something awful. And don't you dare! Don't even think about it.

Love the angle of this shot, and the photo itself.

"Happy (Belated) Birthday, Mrs. D!"

nonamedufus said…
They say the best way to get rid of an earworm is to replace it with a John Sousa march, oh, like The Liberty Bell (theme from Monty Python). I don't know what to do to get rid of the John Sousa march.

(You're a couple of years late with the belated b'day wishes.)
nonamedufus said…
Yeah, I guess it's too late to back-pedal now.
nonamedufus said…
I like that song a lot too. Mostly because Yoko isn't singing in it. I'm glad you like the pic.
nonamedufus said…
You love bikes, then? There's no way I could derail you?
nonamedufus said…
Thanks , Linda. My wife really loves that thing. Kinda nice retro is in these days. I'm talking about the bike.
nonamedufus said…
If I were to videotape my wife riding the bike I could put it on You "Tube".
Mike said…
Derail? Oh gimme a brake.
nonamedufus said…
Don't tread on me, man.
It's a gorgeous photo, probably my favourite so far of the Wheels theme although as you are clearly in trouble for revealing (vaguely and approximately) you're wife's age I'm going to stop flattering you and instead send you a bottle of fine wine which you can smash over a boat in a furious maiden voyage launch. That should make you feel much better.
Quirky Loon said…
Ay, yi, yi!

nonamedufus said…
Don't send the wine. If my wife got hold of it and decided against drinking it (unlikely) she'd probably smash it over my head.
Cheryl said…
A friend gave me the perfect solution to earworm: sing the Happy Birthday song a couple of times and poof! Problem solved.
Cheryl said…
I'm going to let this go since it is punfest over on dufusdaze. Just don't do it again.
Cheryl said…
Just slammed into 55 last month. I may never recover.
Cheryl said…
This is an amazing shot & I love those lyrics. Once you hit a certain age, the phrase "not too long ago" is fairly meaningless. I wish I had the energy to play the punny game y'all got going on but damn I'm tire-d.
nonamedufus said…
Thanks, Cheryl. The puns, by the way, aren't actually of the highest calliper.
nonamedufus said…
I'll have to try that.
00dozo said…
Oh, I love the Monty Python Theme (it's way better than what I thought you might go with). Yeah, I can handle that - it's only a couple of bars, really, and it makes me giggle at the end.

(And, "Ooops" on my overly belated b'day wishes. Sorry.)

00dozo said…
Hmmm ... I'll have to try that sometime. Thanks for the tip, Cheryl!

Maryse Pesant said…
why would I waste a good bottle of wine on your head ?? Plus, I would have to pick up the mess
nonamedufus said…
Just as I thought, dear.
Kristen said…
Hahaha. I love coming over here. Seriously. This is the best thing I've done on my blog so far - joining you misfits.
nonamedufus said…
Who you calling a misfit? By the way some people have been re-cycling some of these puns.
nonamedufus said…
So you'll let it coast, then, Cheryl?
nonamedufus said…
It's all downhill from there.
Cheryl said…
Coasting my way into my twilight years.
Cheryl said…
I guess the yolks on you then, isn't it?
nonamedufus said…
Stop egging me on.
nonamedufus said…
Lady? (gah gah?)
nonamedufus said…
That's a heavy cross(bar) to bear.

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