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30 Days of Photos - #17 - Time

Welcome to 30 Days of Photos, where 18 bloggers are participating in posting a photo a day for 30 days. Here are the other 17 you can visit after you've been here:

I think one of my favourite Groucho Marx quotes has got to be, "Time flies like an arrow but fruit flies like a banana." Funny guy, that Groucho.

One of my favourite Rolling Stones songs has got to be Time Is On My Side, an oldy but a goodie from 1964. It was their first U.S. top 10 hit and they performed it on their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan show. 

But all that aside this theme gave me some trouble and as time ticked away I wracked my brain wondering what the heck I could come with. Seconds away from my deadline, I finally remembered what I had stashed in the bottom drawer of my bedside table. Yep, all the watches I've discarded over the last decade or so. There's seven watches in the picture. It would seem I'm a little poor at keeping time.

These watches may all have stopped at different times, on different times, but at least I know that twice a day they're accurate. That may be well more than me.

I think I've taken up enough of your time now.


Mariann said…
Did you know they set the clocks at 10 past 10:00 in catalogues and such as that makes the clock have a "happy face" and it best shows off the numbers. I can't believe you didn't do that with all your watches. You know, that bit of trivia sets you apart from a great photographer. Sorry.

;) Hey, I haven't slept yet - a bit of sarcasm is getting in everyone's comments today. Plus I can blame it on the Ambien! :)
nonamedufus said…
Setting them that way also clearly displays the maker's name on the face of the watch. I'm not giving them free advertising. And that's what sets me apart. ;p
I found a watch in a drawer of my desk that I was cleaning out the other day. I can't remember the last time I've worn a watch. We have a clock at work that is easily visible in front of the circulation desk. I guess that's enough for me.

I also love that Rolling Stones song.

All that aside, it's been interesting to see how my fellow participants have taken each day's theme, going in different directions than I would have expected. All to say, nicely played, sir, nicely played.
Cheryl said…
You really are a dufus, aren't you? Pretty nice set shot (even if you just tossed them on the chair).
nonamedufus said…
I am a dufus. But I posed those watches several times before I thought I got the photo right. They're on a placemat on my coffee table.
nonamedufus said…
I couldn't a;ways wear a watch. When I was a kid I had some weird thing going on with my blood. Too much iron or something which made my watch lose time until it finally stopped. Then the digital age came along and I was fine. Weird, huh? I'm glad you liked the pic, UP. It's one of mu favourites in this god forsaken series.
Mike said…
I haven't worn a watch in ages which may or may not account for me always being late.
mikewjattoomanymornings said…
Sometimes I think you and I really are brothers, NoName. I have about 30 watches in a box my nieces gave me. I don't why I keep them, because they aren't worth their weight in lead. But I can't bring myself to throw them away. Many of them still work, in fact, and just need batteries. I think of them as my poor man's watch collection, I guess.
mikewjattoomanymornings said…
I think the artful arrangement shows.
nonamedufus said…
I wear watch yet rarely look at it. I get the time from clocks in the car, kitchen (microwave, stove, range hood, coffee machine - try keeping those in sync), bedroom, computer, TV, iPhone, iPad, etc. I think watches are obsolete and only serve as jewelry. Too bad. My watch lights up in the dark.
Quirky Loon said…
There's always time for a good dose of Dufus.

Just sayin'.


And I wonder if we'll be seeing you on an episode of Hoarders. HA!
nonamedufus said…
It's funny the things we keep. I have old keys in a bedside drawer and in a kitchen drawer and in a workshop drawer and I have no idea what they're for. If only one were to a safety deposit box full of bonds and cash.
Ziva said…
Wow, that's a lot of time you have there, dufus...
nonamedufus said…
I tried the "just dump them" approach but didn't like where they landed. Imagine me. Artful. Wow.
nonamedufus said…
I've got nothin' but time on my hands. Or in this case off my hands, I guess.
nonamedufus said…
Ha, thanks Quirks. You really are my #1 fan. Hoarders? Nah!
Cheryl P. said…
I have a stash of old watches too, but mine didn't turn into a cool picture for a blog theme. I didn't know that about the 10 past 10 looking like a happy face. Because of your post I learned something today.
frankleemeidere said…
Two of them appear to have stopped at ten to seven. If we give a five-minute leeway, then the odds of that happening are one in 144, and as we all know, 144 X 1,000 is the number of those who will be sealed in the end times, which means you can never throw those watches out now or you'll be damned for eternity. Or until ten to seven, whichever comes first.
nonamedufus said…
Hey, it's amazing what you'll learn around here. Yesterday I learned you're supposed to make a wish every time yo go into a church. My wish would probably be "get me outta here". But that's just me. Bad childhood memories.
nonamedufus said…
Where do you come up with this stuff, Frank? You're so deep. Or else you're very good at putting one over on me.
Linda Medrano said…
This is a great photo! You have had a lot of watches. I've only had two in my life!
meleahrebeccah said…
Oh I love that Rolling Stones song, too! Awesome photo as well. Great job!
nonamedufus said…
Two watches in your life?! Wow I go through watches like women go through shoes. Well, she women any how.
nonamedufus said…
Yeah, me too. I remember watching them do it on the Ed Sullivan Show. I was 12. You probably weren't born.
00dozo said…
You mentioned the Stones' "Time Is On My Side" and I had to laugh - at myself, mostly. When I saw today's theme (from what now feels like months ago), that song immediately popped into my head and I was thinking of using it (for I was determined to post today's them on "Time" on time). Alas, time is my Moriarty: elusive and vindictive.

Your photo is great, though. I noticed that - intentional or not - the pattern on the coffee table resembles a pattern that one might find in a metal watchband. And I'll give you a big groan on the Groucho quote (which is a good thing).

nonamedufus said…
You're showing your age, 00dozo, in mentioning you remember that Stones song.

I kinda thought "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll never know" just didn't work here. Glad you liked the pic.
meleahrebeccah said…
You're probably right!! Ahahahahhahahaha
laughing mom said…
The time has come for you to get some batteries!
I hate Disqus.

But I DO love your photos, and your watches. Can't believe you didn't sell them, or take them apart and make one super watch. These days I just rely on my phone for the time, but I could do a similar shot of old phones.
nonamedufus said…
Well, I don't think YOU'RE turning 60 next week.
MalisaHargrove said…
Dufus, you are a man of many faces! :)

Amazing how your styles have changed throughout the years. There is the sophisticated Dufus, the athletic Dufus, the masculine Dufus, the stylish Dufus and the stud Dufus. But where is the Mickey Mouse Dufus? I still have my Cinderella watch. Love your photo. It shows so many textures!
nonamedufus said…
It's just so much easier to buy a new one.
nonamedufus said…
Sometimes DISQUS gives me problems and folks accidentally post on Blogger. Their comments disappear into the ether and I can't retrieve them.

A super watch. Now there's an idea. A super idea.
nonamedufus said…
I may be a little goofy but I never had a Mickey Mouse watch, Malisa.
meleahrebeccah said…

Although, I FEEL that old.
nonamedufus said…
I like to think 60 is the new 40...but I'm only kidding myself.
Cheryl said…
I left that option open since I thought that might be what you did. I'm not saying you're not artful, it's you're more of an artful dodger.
meleahrebeccah said…
Well, I'm 37. But I feel 87 most days.
Stupid body of mine.
Kristen said…
I'm glad you came up with something. your posts always make me smile.
nonamedufus said…
Well, then, my work here is done. Um, for today anyway.
nonamedufus said…
Oh, good one, Cheryl. Good one. But what you see is what you get. I wouldn't be "Fagin" things here.
nonamedufus said…
You're a youngster!

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