It's Day 4 of camp over at the interweb's comedy motherhouse Humor Bloggers Dot Com . Tuesday I participated in Campfire Sing Along Day . Today it's "Survival Day" and Head Camp, ah...Poo-Bah Thinkinfyou has appointed Red Raider from Beyond Left Field to coordinate our survival efforts. So, Red, here's how our little charges should handle themselves - and why - if they want to make it out alive... 1. Get your mom to sew labels with name and phone number in all clothes, particularly underwear...campers will change underwear every day - Tommy will change his with Billy, Billy with Harry, etc., and you'll want to get your own back at the end of the session before you go home. 2. Pack nutritious snack items, fruit and fruit juice boxes...because you won't find any nutritious meals at camp. We serve the blah-est and tasteless looking goopy slop you've ever seen. So if you wanna still be standing when camp's done, bring your o...