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My Sentiments Exactly

Yup, "YEE-HAW" about says it all. Been in Fort Lauderdale since March 16 and decided to stay on a couple of extra days. Hey, there's a big difference between 82F and -2C!

BTW, the sign was found on the Florida Turnpike between Fort Lauderdale and Orlando.


Me-Me King said…
Isn't the next exit Bug Tussle?
Thinkinfyou said…
I know exactly where that sign is. Hope you're having a great time!!
Moooooog35 said…
And they wonder why the North won the war.
Anonymous said…
I drive through there once every couple of weeks. It's really not worth a cheer of any kind, even "yeehaw".
nonamedufus said…
Me-Me: Dunno, but Neptune and Jupiter are down here.

Thinkinfyou: Hope all's well with you. I'm not looking forward to going back to -2C!

moooooog: Yeah but the North won what? The right to freeze 6 mos of the year?

Shawn: Giddyup?
Anonymous said…
You suck. Sorry, as someone from the North in the freezing temps still, had to be said. ;)
Anonymous said…
Depending on the direction of travel, the next exits from Yeehaw Junction on Florida's Turnpike are:

*Northbound: Kissimmee Park Road (exit 240, for SunPass users only); otherwise, Kissimmee-St. Cloud South (exit 244), preceded in any case by the Canoe Creek Service Plaza @ mile marker 229.

*Southbound: Fort Pierce (exit 152), preceded by the Fort Drum Service Plaza @ mile marker 184.
Anonymous said…
Don't take a wrong turn around there, unless you're into that whole Deliverance thing.
Anonymous said…
Seeing signs as funny as this one is one of the benefits of traveling in Florida. Bug Tussle, I think, is in South Carolina, along with Tookey-Doo and Sugartit! As you head back into the Northern climes, keep looking for funny signs like this! Count Sneaky
nonamedufus said…
UR: I understand. For someone currently experiencing 82F I understand your poor, cold, bastard.

Exaggerator: I guess that's no exaggeration...thanks for the precise info.

FTU: Paddle faster, I hear banjos!

Count: And I thought all I had to look forward to was South of the Border. I'll keep an eye out.

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