This is the post I wanted to leave you with today. As the promo said "like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives." Yep, and over the next many days one of the things I'll be doing is spending a lot of time enjoying that sand, on a beach, a tad south of here where it's nothing but sunny and warm save the cervezas which are frosty and cool. The shorts, sandals, golf-shirts are all packed. The boots, scarves, toques, gloves and heavy winter parkas abandoned in the front hall closet. This will be my last post for a while. I'm going to close the computer and slowly step away in what I hope is an internet-free vacation. That means no tweets to my twit friends, no Facebook comment thread hijackings and, naturally, no blog posts. I've loaded up my iPad with music and books and I plan on reading, relaxing, reloading, refuelling, and recharging. This time tomorrow I'll be on a plane half-way to paradise. As Jimmy Buffet says ...